Turns Out Vicroads isn't COMPLETELY retarded afterall


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Entaran said:
Good thing you've posted it sometime in the last 5 years then jon. Thanks mate for all the help :thumbsdown:

lol you never asked?

I would recommend everyone print it out and put it in their car.. ive been carrying one for the last 3-4 years in my car incase i get pulled over and get into a **** fight with a cop over some sort of mod i have done... i can show that i have followed the regulations etc..

They are legal and do not require an Engineer's report - as long as you comply with the requirements that Vicroads stipulate.

I downloaded and reviewed the regulations and spoke to a couple of compliancing Engineers when I had mine done.

Read the section that stipulates you cannot modify the structure of the car - that could mean tagging the cage to the A and B pillars..... it's not very clear so this grey area means you should consult with an Engineer prior to doing this.
I don't know about melb, but the manager (Richard) here at the vicroads office in ballarat told me that welded in is fine as well as bolt in providing it's all padded correctly and doesn't obstruct doors.
No you can't. You cannot make the side intrusion bars of your cage higher than the base of your seat.

Carbon doors will not comply with ADR side impact requirements and without a high side intrusion bar in your cage you will be killed in the event of a side impact accident. Same with a carbon roof - the weight you would save going to that would be offset by the extra bracing required in the cage.

If you're looking at those sort of modifications - you seriously need to consider whether the car is going to stay road registered.
so if i take my rear seats out and put a cage in, do i have to register my car as a 2 seater?

or if i leave my seats in and put a cage in, i can drive around perfectly fine...
Not sure about the roof actually ENGINR. Don't some evo's have carbon roofs from the factory? I know plenty of audi's and bmw's do, as does the current model STI. How do they "brace" the roof for the event of a rollover?
p3akin said:
so if i take my rear seats out and put a cage in, do i have to register my car as a 2 seater?

or if i leave my seats in and put a cage in, i can drive around perfectly fine...

Reg'ing your car as a two seater means you have to weld up the rear seltbelt mounting points as well, just remember that. To do it legally it's not reversible.
What Shayne (ENGINR) meant is this:
- Standard doors have side intrusion bars (E.g. so you dont get mauled in a side impact hit)
- Carbon Doors do not have these
- So if you were to put on some cf doors, you would NEED side intrusion bars
- Side intrusion bars are not legal in a road registered car

Its no so much the ADR that comes in to play here, it more that common sense factor...
Entaran said:
Not sure about the roof actually ENGINR. Don't some evo's have carbon roofs from the factory? I know plenty of audi's and bmw's do, as does the current model STI. How do they "brace" the roof for the event of a rollover?

They spend millions of dollars designing and smashing vehicles throughout the development and validation phases of that car. The carbon roof is integrated into the architecture of the vehicle - not tacked on for a boy racer bling look.

Missile said:
What Shayne (ENGINR) meant is this:
- Standard doors have side intrusion bars (E.g. so you dont get mauled in a side impact hit)
- Carbon Doors do not have these
- So if you were to put on some cf doors, you would NEED side intrusion bars
- Side intrusion bars are not legal in a road registered car

Its no so much the ADR that comes in to play here, it more that common sense factor...

Please don't go stating what I may or may not have meant. Meeting side impact requirements has nothing to do with "common sense". It IS an ADR requirement - as an automotive engineer I can assure you of this. Again - factory doors are integrated into the vehicle throughout the design and validation phases of a vehicle - the whole impact performance of the vehicle relies on the entire relationship of the doors to the vehicle. You change ANY of those parts and you disrupt that relationship.

p3akin said:
so if i take my rear seats out and put a cage in, do i have to register my car as a 2 seater?

or if i leave my seats in and put a cage in, i can drive around perfectly fine...

A proper welded in rollcage will not allow you use your back seats, even if they were left in the vehicle Pete. The only people who leave back seats in their rollcaged cars are the Historic Touring cars who are required to maintain a level of trim in their vehicles.

How many people have downloaded, reviewed and discussed the rollcage requirements from VicRoads with an approved consulting Engineer?
good info. any one no wear u can get the hole document from? i want to find out information on stripping the interior and adding strutbraces and what not for stifferning. any one no?
no evo came out with carbon roofs.

only the 8mr came out with aluminum roof which is what you might've thought.