hey all Dre told me to post up what my problem is in here
some of you may know I have a 5 door lift back GSR RS AWD
It has a VR4 J-SPECK EVO 0 engine
I have used the EVO 0 engine loom because the original one didnt come with the car (4g61t engine and wiring loom removed)
Any way I am having trouble wiring up the engine to the GSR dash loom
all of the accessories are working , lights, horn, indicators and dash and all that.
when i turn the key to crank all i get is the ISC motor winding in/out
the gold relay click on/off and all the lights on the dash turn on
but i have no cranking at all. If i run a wire dirrect to the starter the bitch cranks. I am not the best at electrics so i thought some one here may have done the same convo or know of some one
the boys i know who have done the same convo are using the original 4g61t engine loom on the vr4 engine
I have been told to just go out a get an after market E.C.U.
but i shouldnt have to not just to get it running please help guys I know i need it. :lol:
some of you may know I have a 5 door lift back GSR RS AWD
It has a VR4 J-SPECK EVO 0 engine
I have used the EVO 0 engine loom because the original one didnt come with the car (4g61t engine and wiring loom removed)
Any way I am having trouble wiring up the engine to the GSR dash loom
all of the accessories are working , lights, horn, indicators and dash and all that.
when i turn the key to crank all i get is the ISC motor winding in/out
the gold relay click on/off and all the lights on the dash turn on
but i have no cranking at all. If i run a wire dirrect to the starter the bitch cranks. I am not the best at electrics so i thought some one here may have done the same convo or know of some one
the boys i know who have done the same convo are using the original 4g61t engine loom on the vr4 engine
I have been told to just go out a get an after market E.C.U.
but i shouldnt have to not just to get it running please help guys I know i need it. :lol: