that i dont have any injector pulse and very weak spark,
no pulse could have something to do with power
weak spark also
if your getting spark thats a good thing, it means your cas should be good (is it in sequence?)
did this just happen all of a sudden??
injector pulse, check the resistor pack, check the fuses in the engine bay
also there is a loom plug near the air filter which powers the injects.. check that its securely plugged in
my guess is that its a power / ecu thing
the ignitor doesn't effect injectors, and if your getting spark the ignitor is doing its thing
check your voltage at your injector plugs (the ecu gnd's them) you should be getting 12v in one wire, and gnd in the other...
check voltage as the resitor pack also..
im blabbing on.. give us more info and ill try to help you more..