Weird noise


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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2007
Im proud to announce that i have finally bought a GSR :D i'll post pictures when i pick it up.

The real point of the thread is that i noticed it made a weird kind of noise from around the exhaust area when giving it gas, kinda like metalic kind of ticking noise, sounded like something was loose in the exhaust pipe or something. Any ideas?

are either of those a bad thing?

sounds more like the second one you mention :shock:

It was also runnning a little rich bit of black smoke when u first give it some gas if that makes any difference?

Should of asked before i said i would buy it...

How long does it need to have doen this to screw up the engine.

What causes it, and how would it be fixed?

Or seeing i havent paid a deposit should i just not buy it?
yeah good idea

ill get tanagah to give it a look over :wink:

thanks for the help dude

does it have a non standard exhaust? when you say ticking noise is this when you are driving it? like around a corner etc? mine did this as the exhaust flange was hitting the tailshaft when going around left hand turns, it is fixed now but just throwing an idea in there that is not all doom and gloom!
100% stock except for lowered

could hear it when the car was in neutral and stopped and i could also hear it when i was driving. But it wasnt a consistant noise that was there all the time, however it sounds exactly how Jstyle described pinging.

We'll wait and see
nah wasnt making it when just idling, it was making it in neutral and you would give it a good rev.
That was my intial thought, something loose in the exhaust rattling around so i wasnt too worried, but now im not going to take the risk, just fork out couple hundred for an inspection for peace of mind :)

By the way does anybody know any good mechanics south of the river that deal with gsr's?
Hey Chris,

I don't know of any south of the river apart from Crockenberg Motors in Welshpool, but I don't know if they do inspections.

Your best bet is to take it up to Tenagah as they do pre-purchase inspections and will hand you a piece of paper worth a lot more to you than the $300+ one the RAC will give you telling you the seat material is worn, or there is sign of wear on the tyres.

I think Tenagah charge $150-$200 for an inspection that includes a compression check (unsure if leakdown is checked). Either way the RAC do neither of them.

Best of luck :smt023

Had a talk with hisham pretty cool guy, only 88 bux for a full inspection, but in the end i decided not to buy it :wink:

Everyone i talked to said it wasnt worth it, so the search resumes :roll: