What do you get if you cross an idiot with.....


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Apr 26, 2013
a mid life crisis, with no money and no knowledge of cars?

Well, in my case it was this... :thumbsup:


About all I can tell is that it was cheap, it starts, drives pretty reasonable and looks pretty "straight" as far as the body goes. As for what the hell might be wrong with it, I've sadly got no idea.
It blows a bit of smoke, but the seller assured me it was a simple fix (yeah, right) Leaky turbo gasket or some such thing? :unsure:

It's sat in my driveway a couple of months now, mostly because I'm to scared to take it to my mechanic in case he tells me it's going to cost a fortune just to get a roady! :rolleyes: It definitely needs a quieter exhaust/muffler/what's that bit out the back? Even if it was roadworthy, I aint 18 any more.

I've course, my bright idea is to somehow try and become an overnight car genius and fix it up myself. (Yes, doomed to fail, I know)

I've been lurking on here a while and I figured I would finally say g'day and just see if there might be someone out east of Melb who might be prepared to let me look over their shoulder next time they fix their car or something? I'm starting way late in life, but I figure what the hell, if a 14 year old can learn how to fix a car, why can't I? Heck, at least I could bring a beer or 3.

Failing that, there's always youtube. :lol:

Gday mate. Welcome.

My first advice is to find out the general condition of the engine itself.
This will involve buying/borrowing a screw in compression tester.

Plenty of google about how to do it. But do it once dry and then again with a teaspoon of oil in each cylinder.
Report back with results. You want less than 10% variation between cylinders, and not too big a increase when oil is introduced.
Car looks ok
Welcome bud. Everyone or atleast most of us are haapy to field any questions and help out where possible and before you know it you'll get the hang off things and become pro. Good luck!
hey Neil, like ya intro! Made me laugh, its never too late and on here theres some real smart cookies that'll guide ya, what suburb are ya in,
Oh and welcome to 4g
Where abouts are you. Chances are someone wing live far from you and could probably lend a hand :)
You gotta wing live
Meant someone probs lives near by and could lend a hand inspecting the car :)

And yes Jamo I'm back. You know you missed my shinadigans ;)
you came to the right place this forum is a library of info. chances are you'll find what you need if not theres always a few with the answer.
Cheers for the replies. Yep, found some good stuff like a few manuals etc on here already. I'm in the "suburb" of Healesville :lol: Well, almost a suburb, but miles from anywhere, really! Certainly some great driving to be done around here. Willing to travel, though. :thumbsup:
yea bud, some of Melb's best roads around there! have an r6 gsr an Evo and i dont live too far from ya so i know those roads quite well :D Haha also if ya need a hand shoot me a pm

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