When camgears attack!


Help Support 4GTuner:

BTW Troy, don't let APC fob you of wih a limited liability excuse either.

Our company sec is trying to work his way through a case that we have atm and it doesn't look good for us not having to pay our customer for damages caused by a product sold through our shop :(

If you have to, take it to the fair trading commission!
Re: cam gears

rob323 said:
Jetgsr, I wonder if anyone from the states has had similar problems, might be worth posting on some U.S. sites to get some feedback.

PM street surgeon he might know.
I posted this on galantvr4.org over there and they say that there is a similar failure to yours documented there as well.

I'm trying to find the thread as I type this!
OK pulled the motor down today (Monday) every valve on the intake side has been hammered and 4 of the 8 on the exhaust. I do have some pics not sure if they will post OK?

I had an engineer check out the gear today (careful now!) In his opinion! he believes that the gear failed due to it's own structure, and was not related to another action or part of the the motor it was attached to.

Now weather AEM agree to this :wink: is up to AEM and their australian distrubitor.

Anyway I have to give the gear back to the place of purchase and they will send it away for inspection.

How long that will take ... I don't know

but i need a full set of valves so tomorrow i go shopping again!
I don't think AEM make valves?

I would be happy if they replaced the cam gears , new valves, retainers, head gasket and a "we're really sorry that happend"

It's not that big a deal to take the head off and on just the damb inconvenience and $$$ for the necessary bits to put it back together.

**** that.

id be asking for full reimbursement for damages incurred. Get a letter from a solicitor if you have to!
im pretty sure its a "use at your own risk" kind of part.......

goodluck trying to get any money out of anyone let alone admittance it was the design of their cam gear that was at fault
if you want me to see if i can get it cheap for you i will do, btw tim i have prices on your suspension

$365 dollars later and i have 16 new valves new seats and stem seals,

pick it up tomorrow lunch and will fit it in the afternoon.

re: the cam gears i have to write a letter and send it with the gears to the Aussie dist. and then we will fight about the valves later

I will keep everyone posted.

but i'm not thinking it will be sorted out fast.

I just had to drag this back up guys!
I knew that I had seen something about AEM gears that looked a lot like what happened to Troys :)

I found this on Team Nabr.

Cracking is identical to Troys!!!
I'd print this off Troy and present it with your gears.

id definitely be asking for full compensation now........

you now have evidence of two isolated incidences with the same fault occuring! :wink:
Has anybody bothered to check if the exhaust cam is siezed in the head or restricted from turning for some reason? It may be nothing to do with the cam gear.
Although brisvr4's picture does not look encouraging.
Troy got a spanner onto it about 5 minutes after it happened to check the cam.
It turned just fine with only the spanner on it so it def was not a seized camshaft.

After posting that second pic I compared it to the original pic of Troy's broken gear and both cracked in exactly the same places!

Does sound good for the quality of them does it.
brisvr4 said:
Troy got a spanner onto it about 5 minutes after it happened to check the cam.
It turned just fine with only the spanner on it so it def was not a seized camshaft.

After posting that second pic I compared it to the original pic of Troy's broken gear and both cracked in exactly the same places!

Does sound good for the quality of them does it.

I agree it does not look good. I wonder how many hours running before they start to crack. Maybe they were made from the wrong grade alloy, could have been an incorrectly supplied billet to AEM, who knows?
If you have every done any manufacturing you would know even with the best of intentions sometimes things just go wrong :(
It could have been a bad batch I guess.
I have no idea of knowing how old the second pic is though.

Troy had them on his car for around 1500 k's so they were pretty much brand new!
If they are going to be dicks about the situation, show them this thread....
The internet is a powerful thing...

I am willing to tell another automotive forum which has a membership of nearly 40,000...

Those members will then tell other forums etc...

snowball effect....

They may say blackmail.... I say it's educating other automotive enthusiasts about the virtues of their product and service, knowing there is no after market support for poorly engineered parts.

There's a reason companies like HKS and Apexi are still around....
i have had my aem gears for over a year now and done over 10,000kms.
no signs of cracking or anything... mine look different to those and troys though.