WTB: Evo1-3 Ralliart Speedo


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These http://4gtuner.com/forums/files/nar_ni_nar_ni_nar_nee_582.jpg
are available in Thailand, I saw tons of them in rice shops as they have shed loads of Glxi's mostly automatics go figure and they all have the 240km clusters & the rear boot lid fog light garnish..like as in every single CC i saw had them. (No wagons and no coupe's at all)
Maybe I should of bought up on them but as i don't have 240 gsr gauge didn't even think about it :? maybe next time.

For the record they were around the $45Au mark for the white faced 240km Ralliart copies. As seen in above link.

I'm still not convinced that RA did actually made or sold a Ralliart gauge face for the cd/ce9a cluster as I have the RA catalogues for the early Evo's and was never listed.
Seeing is believing ;) I demand pics :lol: