4G Nats discussion


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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2006
CLuTZ said:
Lets stop looking back into the past- lets move on and start concentrating on the clubs future. :)


So when will you guys start orgainising Club track days?? and fill a track with Gsr's & E1-3's thats what Is needed (in moving forward) imho and call it Australian GSR Nationals :thumbsup:
How about you just call it Early Evo Nationals or 4G Nats.
If it was in Vic, I would drive over for that!
yeh 4g nats.....and dont leave out newer evos to try and show that 4g is the better club and dont exclude any particuler 4gs....itll be good to see evo 6s rip vr4s ******** apart:w00t:
If we did do a track day, it will be a 4G event.
Open to all.
We'd love to get more later model Evo owners on here too, but in hindsight, there isn't many owners on here!
Thats the only reason that section doesnt get much publicity.
We hope to change this in future.
but it is funny and true...

the only issue with having a 4g nats is that the country is so big that it would be unfair on the members that aren't in the city/region that it is held in as people wouldn't drive 1000+kms to race their car for the weekend and then spend the next 2 weeks fixing it so they could drive it home, if they made it there in the first place.
GVR40 said:
but it is funny and true...

the only issue with having a 4g nats is that the country is so big that it would be unfair on the members that aren't in the city/region that it is held in as people wouldn't drive 1000+kms to race their car for the weekend and then spend the next 2 weeks fixing it so they could drive it home, if they made it there in the first place.

Here is awesome idea number #2 of the nite..

10 guys from QLD hire out a car carrier... might cost say $3k for the weekend.. so $300 each..

drive ur cars around like crazy maniacs without giving a fk and when it breaks put it on the car carrier and get pissed with everyone else who has broken cars :)

Just like other forums that organise track time, it is always up to the admin/mod/organiser team as to who is actually accepted.
You read any supp regs and thye clearly state, acceptance to participate is at the discretion of the event organiser.
Let it be noted I'm NOT part of the Mod/Admin group, I'm just a member brainstorming ideas! Your so god damn touchy, you want this to fail so bad so you can throw it in everyones faces!
There's an old saying; "If your not part of the solution, your part of the problem."
Jonson said:
How about you just call it Early Evo Nationals or 4G Nats.
If it was in Vic, I would drive over for that!


JSTYLE said:
if u guys could ever pull 50 GSR/EVO (CC) or VR4's on a race track at one time with Ralliart support i will personally prance around during the day in a pink tutu.
Id even orgainise backing from Ralliart for that to happen + and a couple of dozen tomatoes creates for the public stoning of fruit.

50 maybe be pushing it but I dont think its out of the question but Im not a cynic either.
E'Nats has managed to pull their members closer because of it, and its evolved it into the event it is today Think positive:thumbsup: as for Ralliart they were not involved fully in the first
Enats, plus it doesnt need them to be involved either to make it work, its time and commitment and hours of peoples time that makes it all work, the entrants pay for the costs to run the event through entry fees, for example WE ALL have to make it work!

E'Nats was organised in the state that had the most members to organise it, so it would have to be held in Vic no matter what... no use holding it in QLD when the largest portion
of members and moderators live in Victoria would be starting behind the 8 ball, plus would make it more central for more entrants from neighbouring states to participate in the event.

GVR40 said:
the only issue with having a 4GNationals is that the country is so big that it would be unfair on the members that aren't in the city/region that it is held in as people wouldn't drive 1000+kms to race their car for the weekend and then spend the next 2 weeks fixing it so they could drive it home, if they made it there in the first place.

Read what Ive written above ............ logistically an event needs to be based where ever it will get the most support until the entrant numbers start to build people start to get more involved in helping out to make such the event a success.

Its a social event of racing together its no place for hero's and people that dont have the mind set to prep their car wisely for the event dont actually belong in the event in the first place!

The whole idea of a 4GNats event is all about driving to the event in your street car and driving your car back home, anyone will find that the longer you are away from home the more sensibility comes into your head as you know first and foremost that you need to be able to drive home from the event(sounds like you haven't done much track time at all by that comment):unsure:
Even with the level E'Nats has achieved that only a very small handful have broken their cars beyond the point where in couldn't be driven back home.

And other competitors that have had trailered their car there and could drive theirs home pooled together and helped and mate out get his car home. Its all about community sprit GET IT??? :)

Events like this should be about building the bond we all have but in person and through an event not on the board.

Sure be critical if you must......:thumbsdown: But leave the negativity at the door before you start typing:thumbsup: this place will be a lot better for it and will move forward because of it :)
they can fit more there cant they??? didnt the evo nats have 75 entry spaces???? id make it 75.....ay? :thumbsup:
S15ETA said:
they can fit more there cant they??? didnt the evo nats have 75 entry spaces???? id make it 75.....ay? :thumbsup:
60 when it was at Wakefield Park, Maybe Winton had 75 it has more room and facilties to support those numbers
Dear GOD NO! lol
Seriously though... what does need to be done to get the ball rolling on something like this? I have NO clue at all...
Obviously Vic would be the place to hold it as that is where most of the members are based but what about accomodation for out of staters etc.
When and where would it be held.
Who would be on the organizing committee?
These are all questions which need to be addressed.

Jon, you said before that you wanted to serve the forum somehow? Would you want to be part of this?
Dont want to be negative guys but I think the amount of participation shown by this forum in both competitors and spectators at this years nats (which was held in the backyard of the majority of t4g members) is a fairly good indication to suggest that a 4g nats will never happen.
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