Adj Cam Gears - What do you recommend and from where?


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Hey Todd,

Are those prices for the pair or each....?

Apart from the Greddys, the fidanzas look to have the most metal around the cam (look at how skinny the 'arms' are on the AEMs and where they crack) plus they have big radii around the cutouts in the main wheel - this would help reduce the stress in the wheel and reduce the likelyhood of it cracking through.

Where'd you get yours from Bryce?
i am running AEM gears and the newer models like those posted by RUNUTS are fine. it was the older style that were prone to failure.
ENGINR said:
Hey Todd,

Are those prices for the pair or each....?

Apart from the Greddys, the fidanzas look to have the most metal around the cam (look at how skinny the 'arms' are on the AEMs and where they crack) plus they have big radii around the cutouts in the main wheel - this would help reduce the stress in the wheel and reduce the likelyhood of it cracking through.

Where'd you get yours from Bryce?

Hey Shayne, yeah price per pair for all of those. Will call you on the way to work in the morning too.. finally return your call :D
runuts said:
Hey Shayne, yeah price per pair for all of those. Will call you on the way to work in the morning too.. finally return your call :D


Cool - will be good to catch up. I took your advice re the turbo too - it went in the mail this morning!
Awesome... he knows his stuff, thats for sure... you wont be disappointed with what he does for you... guaranteed
vsthis said:
I'm probably putting in an order for myself and maybe Dan for the SKUNK gears if anyone else wants in.

Why the SKUNK gears? I'm leaning towards the Fidanzas for cost vs performance.

This is def one of those things where performance wise I can't see a good $100 cam gear performing any worse than a good $1000 cam gear.

Plus - I still really like the look of how the Fidanzas are designed when you look at Bryce's engine pic.

If Todd can get cam gear pairs at those sort of prices then it'd def be worth a group buy scenario on a particular brand but I'm not going for an expensive cam gear because it's "da BLING". :D

The fidanza and skunk2 ones work out to be around the same price ... :)

I really like the TODA ones too but theyre too pricey IMO
Hmmm... That levels the playing field a bit. Work's out to be just over $200AUD then shipping on top would still prob turn out a bit cheaper than the Fidanzas.
There are 6 bolts on the Skunks and they actually bolt onto the strong metal part of the gear so the bolts wont bed into the alloy or scratch up the anodised surface like they usually do on most other cam gears.

Richard said:
What can one get for a 4G93?

Talk to Dave (OFFRON-4) - he would probably be your best 4G93 guy to talk to re that sort of stuff given the engine he's getting built for his GSR.
EVO-00X said:
There are 6 bolts on the Skunks and they actually bolt onto the strong metal part of the gear so the bolts wont bed into the alloy or scratch up the anodised surface like they usually do on most other cam gears :)

Yeah but I'm still not 100% convinced about those skinny 'arms' - I mean look at the (granted OLDER style) AEM gears and where they failed - the design looks almost identical in that area.

It's not where the gear is bolted to the wheel that is the problem - even the older AEMs didn't fail up there - it's the stresses in the wheel itself when it's getting loaded up by the belt and cam that causes the cracking and failure.

Big failure to be had if something goes wrong with one of these - so forgive me if I sound pedantic!!
that pic you posted rob is of the 'tuner series' skunk2 wheel - what's the difference with the 'pro series' in regards to performance?
Na Shayne you're cool, we all like to suss things out before spending cash on our next mod, its normal :lol: Ultimately its not only the thickness of the alloy used but also the composition of the metal that gives it strength. Only thing to do is look for customer feedback on each model to see if people have had any problems with them.

Here's the differences between the Skunk 2 Tuner and the Skunk 2 Pro series. The Pro is actually constructed of a much lighter but stronger grade alloy and is a different design.

Actually the Tuner series has a few different designs... maybe the EVO cam gear is the one in the middle?
Man that's a BLING engine! :shock:

It's difficult to actually determine WHAT the specific cam gears actually look like.
I got the Skunk2 gears from Ebay and they sent me the Pro gears instead.
It does look like the price has gone up as I paid $139 US + Shipping for mine.
This is them, they have a pretty titanium look and are VERY light.