Alarm Install


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Dec 19, 2005
Ok this is getting annoying.

Where the F&^* is the door open wire? The wire that lights up the little dash light.

Have been looking for 30min now. So far i have found which fuse it is and that it is none of the plugs i have pulled out.

If i am right in thinking a wire from the fusebox will go to the dash cluster, what colour is it?? Exactly where does it come out of?
best place to get the door open wire (use the interior light that turns on when u open the door) u get this wire from behind the plastic trim on the RHS of the drivers window..

basically where ppl mount their gauges if u know what i mean..
pop that off and u'll see some wires.. use a multimetre and find out which one it is.. or look at the light itself and see what colour wire it is lighting it up and match it to the wires u have to choose from

anyway.. have fun
Ok, got a mate to do it, i think he traced the wire from the switch on the drivers door, should the door switches be plugged into door + or door -??
be careful with the switch on the drivers door, as the alarm may only work with the drivers door only, not all doors

just make sure okay
Doors are negative & the boot is posative btw. My boot needed a wire run
to the alarm unit to work with the original switch. Power window closer
has to get it's power from the central locking in the driver's door.