Any SEQ dudes want to get together?


Help Support 4GTuner:

april 9, dammit, i hope my oil pump is here by then, ****, u guys don't give me much time to sort out any problems i might have, dammit, i will see what i can do, i am 50% likely at this stage

so is it offical? 9th april, what time ???? and
Meet at Redbank (with full petrol tanks), head out through Ipswich, up towards Wivenhoe, go up the western side of Mt Glorious (more good stuff), Follow Mount Nebo Road back into The Gap, then back along Mailmans track, up over Clear Mountain, then into Samford for a drink.
GVR40 said:
april 9, dammit, i hope my oil pump is here by then, ****, u guys don't give me much time to sort out any problems i might have, dammit, i will see what i can do, i am 50% likely at this stage


Same here guys! Hopefully all my new toys arrive in time so I can install them and see how she goes :)
yes there will be no slowing down to say hi!

unless its me on the side of the road.

So far so good running 14.9 psi at the moment all is good!

how much can i run in this thing? where does boost cut come in and can you get around it?

I guess it will be the AFM limits

can we do it on the 16th. just so there is enough notice for every 1 to get the day off work if u need to and it can be fully organised. i'm really keen for a cruise and think it will b an awesome day out
2 weeks should be plenty of notice!

I still think 9th April is good!

Not saying that we can't have another one then neither!


April 16th is in Easter which usually means more cops on the roads, not that we will be doing anything illegal, just don't need the hassle.
If we meet at Redbank at 9am, this will probably put us at Samford around lunch time. Is this too early for anyone?

Edit, just realised that the 9th is the first week end of Easter school holidays anyway - bugger!
thats right rob, how about the 23rd, i don't know if my bits will be here by the 9th, and the 16th is easter sunday, i don't really care, just need to get the car back together

If it is the start of the school holidays them most of the traffic will be heading north or south on the hwy!

Everyone will be going camping or something the like,

Wow mummy can we go to Warwick? or Samford for a holiday? (I don't think so)

But hey I'm ok to go on a second trip on the 23rd. too

This is the problem with doing this! It will end up being the 21st of May soon.

What say we go the 9th April, then the ones that can't make it then, go on the 23rd (maybe ppl like me will go on that one too)

I don't want to sound like a pain in the arse, BUT we are never going to please everyone :cry:

Rob if no one wants to do the 9th then I'm happy to go to the sprints (clifton) and then do another run another time!

How many people CAN make it for the 9th April? just so we can get a rough count?

as much as i would love to i can't because i've been rostered on at work, i need to give them 2 weeks notice if i need a particular day off. 23 would b perfect and those waiting on parts will b ready but also as u said not every one will b able to make it.

I can do the 9th (along with a mate in a starlet, don't laugh, I can't keep up with the bastard around corners).

Can't make it for the 23rd as I have a rally on up at Benarkin on that week end.

If anyone is interested, there is a little khanacross down at the Gold Coast Parklands on Sunday 9th April.

Edit - date corrected.

If 4 or more of us are interested on going for a cruise on the 9th, then I will do a dry run this Sunday morning and make some navigational notes.
If its only going to be Jetgsr and myself, then I am going down the coast on the 9th to watch the khanacross :D .

Let me know before Sunday Morn.
I'll be where eva I need to be!! as long as you drive there :lol:

I ported up my exhaust housing, Seem to go quite well not as much lag on spool up and makes 13 - 14 psi straigh away rather then 11 - 12 then creaps to 15.

also reshaped the wastegate cavity and gave the WG arm more movement, Not bad really, looks nice not that you can see the work.
I did take pics but not sure how to post them.

So how many people are coming on 9th April?

Need numbers!!

Has someone has been busy with a die grinder?

No more takers for next week end eh, I have heard a rumour that the gold coast khanacross has been cancelled also. Might be a good weekend to just stay home.
Hey i dont care if there are only two of us

I got this car of mine finally holding together for more than 3 days I just want to go nuts :twisted:

and YES i'm still finding steel splinters :cry:

but it was worth it!

OK we have 3 (if rob doesn't wimp out) what about zombie and his mates?
