Any SEQ dudes want to get together?


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lol its zimbie. um there is a cruise on that we will all b attending on sunday for a person (jason grey aka "grmlin" lancer) that has just past away. so me and my mates will b un able to attend this one. but will b keen for 1 end of the month.

Well 3 is better than none I guess, I didn't go for a drive over the route yesterday (cause no one got back to me in time) so we'll just have to wing it. Hopefully GoldCoast EVO3 will join us too.

If the khanacross down the coast is cancelled, we might have two starlets join us as well.

Suggested meeting spot - Upper-most carpark at Redbank Plaza (most western car park at the very top end of the shopping centre (not the multi storey one).

Suggested meeting time - 9am Sunday 9th April.

If you are coming along Ipswich rd heading west to get there, there is a BP servo a few km beforehand which has Ultimate (usually). I usually fill up there before I go out to Willowbank.

If anyone has any better ideas about meeting spots or time, Please post it up.
rob can u send me those maps, email if u can if not i will give u my address and wire u some moolar so u can photocopy and post to me


What maps exactly are you after Craig? What I have is an A3 size extract from a South East Qld map. I was going to copy it and give everyone who turns up a copy, but if there is not many of us, there is not much chance of getting split up or lost. PM me your postal address and i will send you a copy of it.
Sounds good to me! we can work it out on the day

so is that the car park near the KFC? or the other side?

9am Sunday


I was thinking of a different place but near KFC might be the easiest the find so thats ok by me.

Anyone else coming?
Well dam-it I'm gona be there!

just fitted my new BOV (old one was leaking) also fitted my fuel reg and IC water spray,

Oooo Weee, she sure does go good in the cold!!

the tanks at the outlet of the IC were 12 deg.

Pity Craig, I was going to offer to come and get you too!

So its just us three guys huh.
Are wives allowed to come too or is it just gonna be a guy thing?
where are you meeting and what time exactly.
will come down see you off, car isnt running well enough to come out

someone sms me the details on 0402 314 614 as i may not be arround

Adrian, found all the bits for the shocks, but can't find my springs compressors or the nuts for the top of the strut. I'll have another look tomorrow, sorry to stuff you around.

I will be there along with at least one starlet, maybe a second starlet and possibly a silvia. Yes wives are welcome. My wife wanted me to bring my 4 yr old son but i've managed to waggle my way out of that one. :p

9 am, KFC at Redbank plaza.

I'll bring maps.
how was it guys? any pics? sorry i couldnt attend but i'm currently organising one with boost cruising (gsr,evo's and vr4's only not riced up lancer's) and combined we have about 20 cars so far including 4 evo 9's 2 genuine evo 3's, a couple 6's and an 8. along for the drive will also b a vr4 and an rvr. so if u guys could attend and get even more numbers up it would b great. however destination will b roughly the same
have a read of that if ur interested.

it was ok, everyone turned up nearly on time (well I was only 10 minutes late).
Sorry about the wrong turn under the highway when leaving Redbank (should know better :oops: ).
Our secret little "special stage" wasn't to be as the road was chained off (didn't stop some though :D )
So we headed off up the back of Mt Glorious, some of us had some fun until we got to an area where they had recently chip sealed the road.
First real incident was on the way to Mt Nebo and JetGSR blew an intercooler hose off. Quickly fixed and off we went again only to have JetGSR stop us for good another 10km down the road. So we stood around, laughed, made fun of the cam gear and the situation, had some biscuits and sorted out what to do next.

In hindsight, I'm glad we weren't at Clifton when it happened!

Next meet, I reckon we all just go to a particular mexican restaurant at Beenleigh for an "on the house" banquet! :D
Well summed up Rob!

At least you guys didn't have the same suspension that they use on the queen mary ( like mine does )

Was a pity that Troys car died as it was a good run up until then.

A night out a a Mexican restaurant sounds like a good plan, my wife and I will be heading down there in a couple of weeks to check it out for ourselves!

Was a pretty good morning though all in all :)

Big thumbs up to Troy for taking it so well, I know that I wouldn't have been so composed if it happened to me (hell I cry at a flat battery) :D .