it was ok, everyone turned up nearly on time (well I was only 10 minutes late).
Sorry about the wrong turn under the highway when leaving Redbank (should know better

Our secret little "special stage" wasn't to be as the road was chained off (didn't stop some though

So we headed off up the back of Mt Glorious, some of us had some fun until we got to an area where they had recently chip sealed the road.
First real incident was on the way to Mt Nebo and JetGSR blew an intercooler hose off. Quickly fixed and off we went again only to have JetGSR stop us for good another 10km down the road. So we stood around, laughed, made fun of the cam gear and the situation, had some biscuits and sorted out what to do next.
In hindsight, I'm glad we weren't at Clifton when it happened!
Next meet, I reckon we all just go to a particular mexican restaurant at Beenleigh for an "on the house" banquet!