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Dave_GSR1.8 said:
If I get this correctly, the YOUI insured driver totalled someone else's car, who only had 3rd party property insurance, and therefore they could only claim against the YOUI insured driver, and YOUI is saying "not paying" because the YOUI insured driver did not disclose a medical condition at the time they took out their insurance policy with YOUI.

If so that sucks, but is totally legal, the problem for the victim is they either have to

- wear it and take the loss
- sue the technically uninsured driver to recover their funds. Good luck with that one!

If you are short of money and time (which presumably you would be if you only had 3rd party property) you won't sue. I've had 3rd party property in the past, but only if the car is worthless (cutoff is around $500 - $1000) but if you're young, or a student, or just starting out, that is still not easy to absorb. Like I said, it sucks, but sadly the law is very expensive, I reckon I can't afford legal fees for anything other than the most minor of transactions.

Shows the system has holes in it, I have no idea how this one would be plugged though.
Actually. I missed something there, in the original post Oldie stated

"...,a apreviously unknown medical problem..."

so if the insured was NOT aware of this preexisting medical problem then presumably YOUI can't get out of it.
Be **** enough finding out ya have a medical condition and on top its gunna take ya licence and then to be liable for damages... poor bugger
If the insured was unaware of the medical issue then Youi has no leg to stand on.
However, there will be a LOT of background checking (even Facebook believe it or not) to ascertain whether the insured was aware.
I do hope that it works out for the insured, I feel for that person to be going through this stress.
Unfortunately for the 95 percent of the population there is 5 percent dodgy and that is what this causes. Sucks.....
I have already had my run in with YOUI and found them to be....less than"above board". I have to write that because what I really think could be may conjure images for some people of dodgy dealings.... So I wont write what I really think and suffice it to say I wouldnt recommend them to anyone.

If you could push a shovel through a phone!!
BMGTZ said:
I have already had my run in with YOUI and found them to be....less than"above board". I have to write that because what I really think could be may conjure images for some people of dodgy dealings.... So I wont write what I really think and suffice it to say I wouldnt recommend them to anyone.

If you could push a shovel through a phone!!
Push a shovel? ******* swing a shovel more like it!!
Heard that YOUI GM has reversed their position and are now going to fix or pay out the driver with 3rd property with another company so one can guess that the resulting publicity from Hadleys programme has had an impact on YOUIS new position.
I would have thought that injured parties insurance would have paid for repairs and then their insurance company would recover costs from YOUI. I got rear ended coming home from work and the guy took off. Pursuit began with me on phone to police, trying to intercept us. When the guy hit it around double lines on a blind bend, i backed off. Police met me a short time later, statement... Blah blah. My car was repaired and that was the last I heard. Wasn't you Jamo was it? Was near ur place....
The injured party only had 3rd party property so his insurance doesn't cover repairs to his car so that's why he claimed against YOUI as they were the insurer of the car thgat hit him.
Cranked said:
I would have thought that injured parties insurance would have paid for repairs and then their insurance company would recover costs from YOUI. I got rear ended coming home from work and the guy took off. Pursuit began with me on phone to police, trying to intercept us. When the guy hit it around double lines on a blind bend, i backed off. Police met me a short time later, statement... Blah blah. My car was repaired and that was the last I heard. Wasn't you Jamo was it? Was near ur place....
Ummmm....what you on about? I dunno nothing about it...I wasnt in town that day......I swear....I wasnt.
I had a 2013 MY14 Pajero GLX/R (5 star safety ANCAP). Car was a total right off (took out a new concrete power pole and I walked away with a scratch!), Because the vehicle had more than 500km on it when purchased they declined new vehicle replacement -watch out demo car buyers!, and because I was a cash buyer/no finance involved they would pay me out, not replace- fair enough, that what the fine print states. Then the problems start, only willing to pay me out enough to buy a 2013 build MY13, which is a 4.5 safety rated vehicle, (not a 2013 build MY14 5 star like I had). I know this sound like I'm being petty, but we're talking $4,000+ difference at the time (March-June 2015). I know all insurance companies are pricks, but similar experiences with RACV and Shannons were resolved quickly. This took three month to pay me out enough money to replace 'like for like'.
Speaking to a friend who owns on of the largest panel shops in Melbourne a day or two after the crash his exact words were "oh no not Youi, anybody but Youi, they are now the worst for pay outs!" It seems youi's reputation has quickly become like that of AAMI's when all the panel shops refused to do their work, so they set up their own repair centres.
Needless to say my new Pajero is not insured through Youi, and when any of the 1200 people who purchase new vehicle from my work place ask for advice on insurance, as usual I'll give them honest advice base on personal experiences.
End of rant.
White Knight, you will be interested to know that Shannons Insurance are still f*cking us around about the intermittent electrical faults we are getting caused by the floods late April 2015.
It was with one workshop for 3 months. They said it was ABS brake sensors. They tested and 'fixed it'... apparently. Same problem came back.
They took it for a 2nd opinion. Said it might be the alternator. New Alternator. Problem still there.
They pressure tested the cooling system and blew the heater core. Fluid leaked inside car above ECU but it was covered in plastic from factory and cant get wet. They claimed the ECU was damaged as it was now throwing off extra error codes. Said it wasn't covered by insurance and that it was an 'existing problem'. Quoted us over $4500 to repair. Meanwhile car ran out of Rego in July whilst in the workshop's possession all this time.

Got car back. I was soooo pissed off that they denied any wrong-doing. My passenger side footwell was soaking in radiator fluid - never went in like that. Anyhow I replaced the ECU (had the ECU re-programmed to suit the BEM module and immobiliser too) , replaced the TCL module and TCL solenoids. Problem was still there!! Luckily I didn't fork out $4500 to have them do the work!!!

Called Shannons again. Was told to take the car back to the workshop again. They did something with the ABS sensors and said that the car was fixed.
We got the car back, re-regoed it, then the same damn problem was still there the first drive I took it on! I didn't even make it one block away from home!!
Workshop threw arms up in the air and said they have NFI what the problem is!!

Called Shannons again and they asked me to take it to an auto electrician in August. I did as they said. The auto eleccy said it was throwing off error code 072 which has to do with the TCL system. He could not diagnose the fault directly and said that it might be the ignition system, but from what he could tell, the problem is most definitely in the electrical wiring somewhere and would be very costly to try and track down. Even if he could find it, doesnt guarantee there isnt another problem with the electrics somewhere else too.

I called Shannons again and relayed the message. This time Shannons asked me to take it to a Mitsubishi dealership directly!!! 4 months and 4 different places couldn't fix it!!!

So as of Monday last week, the car was delivered to Mitsubishi. I received a call on Wednesday from Mitsubishi saying that the ECU is throwing out not only TCL codes, but ABS and Airbag erros as well, plus the engine is running rough and its going to take a lot more time and effort to investigate.

They said they might or might not be able to repair it, but they were contacting Shannons Assessor to see what he wanted to do.
I havent heard anything back since.

Shannons have been f*cking us around since claiming on insurance in April earlier this year. We have not driven this car much as its been to and from places trying to get fixed. They obviously will do anything in their power not to pay out the measly $8900 insured sum, probably because they have spent $$ already in getting things checked and replaced, and also I have spent $$ in getting the ECU and TCL module and TCL solenoids replaced out of my own pocket and provided the original ones as proof of replacement.

If Mitsubishi say that they cant fix it and Shannons screw us around again, we're going to our Local Member of Parliament who is currently chasing up insurance companies about why they are still screwing people around after the April floods.

After this ordeal is over, Im taking all of our car insurance and home insurance policies to AAMI or GIO.
Wow! I honestly cannot believe the horror stories that have come from this thread.....
For any claims that i have made in the past where I have felt like I was being stonewalled I always call the ombudsman and advise them that I will take my car to my repairer due to the lack of impartial judgements being made in the favour of the insurer.
Make as much noise as you can my friend, go real hard and watch the fuckers move then. I really feel for you guys and I hope that everyone is following this thread.
White Knight said:
Wow! I honestly cannot believe the horror stories that have come from this thread.....
For any claims that i have made in the past where I have felt like I was being stonewalled I always call the ombudsman and advise them that I will take my car to my repairer due to the lack of impartial judgements being made in the favour of the insurer.
Make as much noise as you can my friend, go real hard and watch the fuckers move then. I really feel for you guys and I hope that everyone is following this thread.
The last time I wrote in here I said that we dropped the Ralliart Magna off to Mitsubishi Service Dept for assessment. They said that they fiddled around with a few things and the error codes disappeared. They called me and said that they might fixed it, HOWEVER, they didn't feel confident about giving it back to us without holding onto the car for a few more days just to make sure.
Well, I received a phone call the very next day basically stating that when they fired the car up the previous afternoon it started producing multiple codes again, this time a combination of existing and new codes that weren't there the whole week that they had the car lol. They said to try and track it down would be virtually impossible, but not unachievable.... but it was going to cost a lot of money and there weren't any guarantees that it would even be successful because they don't know what they are looking for and have to replace (looms etc). Therefore they advised me of their intention to contact Shannons to give them the bad news.
I received a call from the Shannons Assessor a few days later (Tuesday last week) and he sounded quite deflated and apologetic, but they have agreed to pay out the claim. After 5 frikken months from when the incident happened and after ******* us around for so long and trying to falsely blame it on the ECU etc, they had finally come to a decision!!! YAAAY!!!
We are getting paid out the full comprehensive insured amount minus a buy-back sum for the car. I knew I could sell the car/parts to try and regain some of my costs in the meantime for repairing it and paying for rego and insurance. So I was asked to go and pick the car up and drive it home.
Anyhow, I lined up a buyer from VIC who was going to come up this week but they contacted me to say that they changed their mind because the car is listed as a Statutory write-off. I couldn't believe it because Shannons made no mention of it being a Stat Write-off during the offer to buy it back plus they asked me to drive it home. Its not like the car is smashed and doesnt drive. The buyer said that he paid for a Vehicle History Report and its written on it. I aksed him to email it to me because he knew more about it than I did as Shannons have not only "NOT TOLD ME" about that very important piece of information, they also "HAVENT PAID ME YET" and today is 7 days after they said that they were going to write off the car.
Therefore I called Shannons today and were only just processing the claim today (more like I had to call them up to prompt them) and they said that a bank cheque will be mailed out to me. I asked why cant they do an electronic funds transfer into my bank account and they said that the policy is in both my wife and my name, even though the car is registered in her name. I said that's fine, I can give you my wife's bank details and they said that there was no way about it, they had to send a cheque in both names and one of us will have to sign and release it to the other when the cheque arrives.
But wait, there's more. I was also advised that because we got the car re-registered and insured in July (when rego ran out whilst the car was in the workshop), that said that they cannot refund the insurance and that I will be charged for a full 12 months of full comprehensive insurance. I **** you not! This is when I stood my ground and said Shannons have ****** us around for 5 months with this claim and had they just written the car off in the first place I wouldn't have been without a car for 5 months and I certainly wouldn't have had to re-register and re-insure the vehicle. I had to re-register and insure the car because the Assessor requested that I drive the car to different venues for assessment. It wasn't my choice, it was his. Not only that, but the venues who were inspecting the car would also have to drive it and conduct tests on it to try and determine the problem.
Now I have nothing against ethnic people, I am one myself, but everybody in the claims department I spoke to had an off-shore accent like I had called an internet service provider and they were difficult to understand and in a hurry to get me off the phone. Their claims department definitely did not seem to be Australia judging from the voices I was hearing in the background. Asking for a common sense refund of insurance paid since July seemed like I was trying to draw blood from a stone and it was in the 'too hard' basket. They literally were trying to feed me **** about once you start cover, even though you pay for month by month, you are still liable for a full 12 month insurance premium - even in my case!! I was eventually put on hold for a while and then advised that I will be re-credited for the insurance costs I've paid in the meantime. I asked how? They said via EFT to the bank account that it is getting directed debited from. O........K.......... now let's see how long or whether or not that happens??
So eventually the guys from VIC didn't want to buy the car because it cannot be repaired and re-registered, so I refunded their deposit plus $30 in good faith for the Car History Report that they paid for. It's amazing that that is how I found out about it. Imagine if I had not found that out and fixed the car using spare parts then tried to get it registered!!! .
Not to worry, I have another couple of guys from Sydney interested in buying the car for spare parts, plus grab all the other spares I have laying around from the other Ralliart wreck I bought to try and fix mine up - just in case Shannons were going to be dicks and deny the claim.
So at the end of the day my entire experience with Shannons has been a total nightmare. It appears that the car and parts will be gone before I even get the bank cheque.
Registration on my RAV4 runs out at the end of this month. Tonight I just paid that little bit extra to insure it with GIO.
Next policies to be leaving Shannons will be my other car and also my home and contents insurance.
I cant wait til all of this is finally over and done with.
Who gives a insurance company assessor the rights to be able to stat write off a car. Thats stupid. A stat right off means it cant be repaired safely- rolled hard, bent roof that sort of stuff.
economic write off is what yours is- repairs cost more than (some determined percentage) cars value.

Its stupid- i looked at a harley over here. It was a stat write off because the frame was bent where it supported the rear seat. Now a harley you can buy a complete replacement frame- they require you to cut the frame numbers off, send them to harley and they send back a new frame with your old numbers on.
Or, you could bobber the bike and cut off the bent part altogether and make it a single seat. Either repair method is legitimate and perfectly safe.
in nsw vic the policy from gov is that all vehicles are declared state writeoffs to prevent rebirthing. or atleast thats what i've been lead to beleive

Shannons issued the bank cheque to us on 22nd September. We received it the following week and walked into our bank so I can sign it over into my wife's name on the 3rd October. We were advised it can take a couple of working days or so to process. In the meantime my wife has been looking at cars and getting me to call on her behalf to make enquiries about vehicles to purchase.

Today, 10th October, we arranged to drive 2.5hrs to Sydney to look at a couple of prospective cars to buy. Therefore my wife [SIZE=medium]goes into the bank this morning to withdraw the money out in cash and..... our bank said that the Shannons cheque has been dishonoured and rejected!!! My wife loses the plot. Calls me up and tells me to get onto Shannons immediately to find out WTF is going on.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]So for the last 30 minutes+ I've been on the mobile phone (speaking with Sandy) about what is going on?? Basically she did some investigations and said that she cant sort it out at the moment because the Total Loss Team do not work on weekends. She also said that it was rather unusual for the cheque to get rejected as it is the first time she has heard about that happening. But she will get onto it with the team on Monday. I asked cant they just do an EFT transfer into my wife's bank account to hurry up the process on Monday. But yet again, we were advised that if another cheque has to be sent out, it will take days to draw up, post and then clear again with the bank. WHAT A TOTAL **** AROUND SHANNONS!!![/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]I then advised that the credit we were promised back for the insurance monies paid to date since re-registering the car whilst getting assessed still hasn’t been processed yet either. Then my call was directed to Ben in the Sales and Accounts Team. Ben advised that the credit went onto my RAV4 policy instead and I should notice a reduction in the RAV4 insurance repayments every month. I said I will have to check that is the case, but nice of them to not tell me about it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Shannons are a f*cking joke. DO NOT DEAL WITH THEM.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]I'll be back here again filling you guys in on this ever continuing comedy of errors... unless I die of a f*cking heart attack in the meantime for losing my ****!![/SIZE]
Suncorp also owns the AAMI, Apia, Just Car Insurance, Shannons, InsureMyRide, Vero, Terri Scheer, Bingle, CIL, Asteron and Tyndall insurance brands in Australia.

So we are ****** no matter who we choose.

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