Beware: ACL/Ross Racing Pistons


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Mar 29, 2005
Melbourne, Australia

Just putting it out there to people to be aware of ACL/Ross pistons. Im not sure if i should mention the shop but they have had afew batches of bad pistons distributed by Ross and resold as ACL pistons here in Australia. The shop that has been using them have ceased using them because they believe that ACL arent backing up their claims to the pistons and are not offering a refund etc. Let me stress that the shop only used these pistons cause the sales rep from ACL was over almost everyday trying to push their products.. so they thought they would give it a go.. and obviously the pistons are not up to scratch and since they have ceased using them.

Ive seen some of the pistons first hand and for a forged piston to do such a thing its phenomenol! Its really concering that when ACL was informed that there might be a problem they just shrugged it off.

Anyways just thought id share with you guys and im sure if the workshop in question wants to have their say they will.

JSTYLE said:
rob323 said:
How are they failing?

They have been self destruction in the gudgeon pin region and all over the skirts... i think

You think!!!
Do you relise what you are doing at all?
Get some facts first hand.
this thread should be deleated.
Meek Automotive said:
JSTYLE said:
rob323 said:
How are they failing?

They have been self destruction in the gudgeon pin region and all over the skirts... i think

You think!!!
Do you relise what you are doing at all?
Get some facts first hand.
this thread should be deleated.

I dont build engines or claim to build them.
The workshop that was using them have told me about them.
Ill go take plenty of pics just for you chris so you can marvel at the work.. lol..
Oh yer this is as close to first hand experience as you can get ;)

If you want to use them feel free to use them but as ive said this workshop that was using them have found them to be faulty in afew of their motors.. which ROSS/ACL will not warrant..

EVO-00X said:
:shock: Wow... Ross have a good reputation.... or "HAD" a good reputation until this post :lol:

Maybe they made a bad batch..
But they arent offering any sort of warranty as far as i know...

Just letting you guys know that if your in the market and you wanna try the Ross range.. be very weary...

i dont know or care about who ross / acl are, but i still find the post hard to beleve...

are you a metalurgist?, do u have a report from one? c$@ts from a 'reputable' (theyr all dodgy) shop sayin theyr no good doesnt cut the mustard.

im surry to break it too u but most 'performance shops' are just jokers with a performance shop sign! not pointing the finger at anyone, but thats my experiance! no better than any other mechaic/fitter, if they were more qualfied, theyd b doin something else! except for the small number who are utilised by the pros's & raciung teams etc.

**** tuning is just as likely a culprit, even wrong instalation, who knows? too many variables to write off a brand completly!

heres some q's to ask..

any other shops experianced the same results?
what are the pistons rated to handle? hp wise
what motor/s are effected?
how long have these ppl been in business for?
whats their official statement? if any ?

if its a 'bad batch' (unlikely with todays refined manufactuiring procedures) is it just too this shop? or to aust, or world wide?
someone had to say it

its not very fair come straight from the workshop in question and go straight to blaming the pistons........ its actually quite biased.

I know, ive come out and flamed a product for poor quality etc etc and been totally wrong.

may i just add, im not trying to FLAME anyone here....... its just a 3RD party perspective.

look at it this way:

parts installed by workshop
car goes on its merry way
Engine goes BOOM
IMMEDIATELY and publicly the installer (indirectly) comes forward and blames the parts

I mean, it just looks plain dodgy........

MrGears said:
Humans are entitled to make mistakes...thats what makes us humans
Didnt the last 2 posters read the thread?? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

JSTYLE said:
They have been self destruction in the gudgeon pin region and all over the skirts...

If several pistons do this same thing then of course they are a bad batch/rooted piston because try as you may, you try and replicate a breakage at the gudgeon and around the skirts of a few pistons one after the other... :roll: Engine building is not rocket science and people are quick to blame builders if something goes wrong when fitting the gudgeon, clips etc is easy and straightforward (hell, the pistons even come with easy instructions on how to do it so you have to be a moron to get it wrong :lol: ). Faulty products do happen, even to he best of brands unfortunately.
Jon, would love to see some pics.

We have had a similar failure in a corolla rally car which was using std toyota pistons. The area around the gudgeon pin let go, which let the rod slap around the bore until it bent, then it broke, then it punched a couple of clearance holes in the block, cam and starter motor.

I would have thought that failure around the gudgeon pin area was usually only caused by excessively high rpm (it was in the corolla's case).

pics please.
EVO-00X said:
Didnt the last 2 posters read the thread?? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

JSTYLE said:
They have been self destruction in the gudgeon pin region and all over the skirts...

If several pistons do this same thing then of course they are a bad batch/rooted piston because try as you may, you try and replicate a breakage at the gudgeon and around the skirts of a few pistons one after the other... :roll: Engine building is not rocket science and people are quick to blame builders if something goes wrong when fitting the gudgeon, clips etc is easy and straightforward (hell, the pistons even come with easy instructions on how to do it so you have to be a moron to get it wrong :lol: ). Faulty products do happen, even to he best of brands unfortunately.

Lol your on the ball again..


Please read the thread again. It has happened in i think 3 of their motors.. effecting both EVO/GSR and WRX. Ill get some pictures of the destruction but as stated a gudgeon pin just doesnt rip itself out of the piston.. its obviously a bad batch and was not made correctly at the factory.

Ill go to the shop and take some pics later on.

(Wyda, crosses his fingers, does the install, finds his trusty pistol, loads a single bullet, sits in his favourite recliner under his reading lamp and waits) :D hope it all goes well?? maybe you can get them tested?? is there any way of knowing???
i have had them crack tested etc, hopefully any issues would have shown up during that process...

hehe if it blows again i think i will pop the bonnet and put an axe through the head :p
... HARD

then cry..
then go start spending moneys on another cos im an idiot :p
Jon, post for everyone here what the piston bore clearance is on the motor your talkng about, get a bore guage and measure it. I bet it was way too tight. My guess is that these pistons where put into a stock honed bore. Pictures paint a thousand words.
Wow man!!!!, you have seen 3 sets of broken pistons. ACL must make crap pistons. I used to have a race engine builder in the worksop next door, now this guy is a real engine builder (doesn't touch anything else but MASSIVE power race engines). We became good mates and he still teaches me lots.

In his workshop I have seen failed pistons of every brand.
So... don't buy any brand of pistons.
They all break.

PS. This must take the prize for the most idiotic topic yet.
Phuk you're a cheeky bugger sometimes Chris :lol: If anyone should know about blaming a faulty product and not the engine builder, you should... lol :lol: TIC ( just jokin mate, I know exactly how it feels sometimes :p ). ACL arent really the preferred choice of forged piston to start with anyway, but Ross... well... they're supposed to be up there with some of the best :roll: Get the engine builder to use a different piston next time and build it exactly the same way and let us know how it goes :wink:
EVO-00X said:
Get the engine builder to use a different piston next time and build it exactly the same way and let us know how it goes :wink:

$100 bucks says it would rort itself again :lol:

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