Well-Known Member
Mates car from Alice Springs, some of you know this car, was going to try for Australia's fastest registered car, previously clocked at 283kph (record @ 307kph). (not the cause of this)
Car has been featured in zoom and several other mags
His sig on forums:

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Car has been featured in zoom and several other mags
His sig on forums:
Ill let Ben tell the storyLEGENDS often fade away - but LEGENDS will never die - LONG LIVE BOOYA!
A GT40R is the Magna's replacment for its lack of displacment!
This Gold 305kw/~600nm@16psi Magna was made to ROCK YOUR WORLD!
God Made Me Choose Between My Life And My Car..., And this is the day BOOYA became unstuck
What goes up must come down yer?
The picture tell a thousdand words - in this case, may extend to millions of words.
A few people here know about it - but its official. There is no recovery from what is left of "The Gold BOOYA Magna"
11am Wednesday 6th July 2005, On my way home from work, accellerating from my fathers holiday park, its a 380km one way trip to Alice Springs, accellerate through to my cruising speed of around 130-140 steady.
Held that for about 10km when i went to overtake a semi - was going to be a tight move as i can see a oncomming vehicle, applied a bit more pressure, but only to around 150-160km hour. overtook the truck easy with more then plenty of room to spare.
minutes later - there is VERY HEAVY THICK black smoke bellowing from the Rear of the car, moments after noticing that, quick looky at the guages show no oil pressure, fuel pressure through the roof and no existant "vaccum" on the boost guage - its gone crazy! - as i brake, the peddle goes hard (no vacuum to help presure the brakes) and the powersteering if finished altho it is still steerable. as the car slows below 60 i see just thick smoke bellowing from the bonnet and bonnet scoop!
i get the car on the side of the road - pop the bonnet and you know how if you opened a door when there is a fire inside? - well, exactly that - a "Gush" of fire and smoke almost blind me - the truck that i passed moments ago has now pulled up behind me, i get my extinguisher (which is too small) - the trucky reaches for his full sized one - within a minute, both extinguishers are exhausted -
What is the worst feeling in the world? - there is still fire - i suspect its a fuel line that has ruptered. - fire is now completely engulphed the whole of the engine bay - what now?
abandon ship sad.gif
My heart almost choked on my own blood - watching my pride and joy burn to the ground, - and there wasnt a ****ing thing in the world i could do about it.
4 years of hard work, wages and blood sweat and tears, has evolved to a pile of molten metal within 15mintues.
the fire was so intense - two of the 4 rims turned into just puddles of alloy. Everthing the booya once was - it reflected in a chard pieces of metal.
i didnt even have time to take my headunit out etc etc - even if i had a rock to break away the dash board with.
what was in the car - went down with the car. - it was too risky, and only being 10km out of my 380km/ trip - she had a full 90+lt of premium at the fires disposal too..
the last minutes are here caught on a video camera by a traveling tourist. you can here me i the background - but i dont remember saying anything.. i was just in complete shock.
- some of you might ask how the car ended on its roof - well, the police needed to remove the car from the road (it partially on the road) so because the car couldnt roll (wheels, everthing was melted to nothign) they had no choice but to "pull" it sideways sad.gif - it melted it self into the road the fire was that intense sad.gif - you can see how intense the flames were by watching that video.
also guys - no doubt the video's are going to use bandwith like no tomorrow - so if anyone wants to host some vids - please email me at [email protected]


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