Cb lancer strange light issue


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So I replaced alternator and it's still not charging battery. I'm thInking Battery not charging and interior stuff not turning in are related. But I'd like to get battery charging at least first.

After replacing alternator I also replaced the fuse on the alternator. But still sane result.
as long as it keeps above 12v with everything turned on. ie. highbeam, fans, demister, wipers, interior light...

what makes you think battery not charging?

not much point just replacing stuff, you gotta go at it in steps or you only getting lucky at fixing it
load test it champ, turn everything that works, on and check voltage, should keep it above 13.2v when running at 2000rpm.
let us know how you go.

i reckon alt is ok, because you havent mentioned anything about flat battery. altenator light on dash does same thing, if discharge from battery is higher than alt output, the light on dash lights up.
thats why the first time you see alt light on is idling at traffic lights with headlights on. and if you turn lights off, the alt light turns off too. as time passes, the light will be on more and more until you start getting flat batteries in the morning.
cheap fix is to get new brushes for around $7-20 and install them
I tested alternator when car was running. With no lights in it's was sitting around 12.1 once head lights were on it was 11.9. Put a new alternator that I know works and same story. What else could cause lack of charge?
test the one you have in now, you gotta rev it a bit. try 2000rpm. its a bit much to think it will hold charge at idle. check for alt light on dash too
not much can go wrong with them, as long as they connected and corrosion free terminals.
When I rev it drops down lower faster. WhT I did though... Ran a new ground from negative terminal also ran a power straight from positive to alternator. Now it's charging at a good 14v :) f'ing weird.

Now at least it's drivable. Now to find why the normal circuit isn't working and why interior is strange. Do you think they are related?