Custom Eprom Tuning


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Mar 29, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Hey Guys,

Just letting you know that myself and someone else are working on a custom eprom for our cars. You have seen the eproms that just set 'base' maps, we are looking at running our eprom 'live'. Meaning that when you are driving we can tune the car to give you a 100% accurate tune.

Tuning like this is the only way to tune a car, because there are so many variables when it comes down to just writing a 'base' map. All tuning will be run via laptop and with a wideband on a customized program which is yet to be named.

Other features that we are looking at implementing will be tuning in incriments smaller then the factory. Factory is only tuning at say every 500rpm which is quiet shocking. Removing the AFM etc...

Will keep you guys posted on how much it will cost and how the test vehicle is holding up. The test vehicle is currently STOCK so it is a good base to see what it is doing. It will be dyno'd before and after the chip and also after light mods.

Approx Costs involved:

Socketing Chip and Writing Chip $160
Live tuning while driving: $70 hr (will take about 1-2hrs to tune a car)

ETA: First test ~>1 month

so the dual board ecus from a j spec will not be able to be done?
is this just for aus spec ecus jon?
Heres a list pinched from another site:

ECU with Removable EPROM:
- MD165810 - 1990-92 ASPEC VR4
- MD165808 - 1991-92 JSPEC VR4 RS (240ps)

ECU with non-removable EPROM:

- MD128618 - 1987-89 Jspec Dual board
- MD150427 - 1989-90 Jspec Manual Single Board
- MD153695 - 1989-90 Jspec Auto Single Board
- MD150427 - 1992 Jspec Single Board

JSTYLE said:
. Factory is only tuning at say every 500rpm which is quiet shocking.
Why is that shocking?
Any more resolution than this is pretty much wasted, even the top ECU's don't normally run less than this, what they do have is user setable points, which help tuning around any major tranistions, but for most, every 500rpm is heaps.
Remember, the ecu will interpolate between map points, and as the maps are normally pretty linear, interpolation is pretty accurate.
Just a quick Q. Are you customising each chip to suit the car or are you just making a universal map for each chip?
If you go to the Powerchip website and fill out an order form for any car they explain how they install each chip, also stating whether or not the car uses Eprom, so thats an easy way to find out if you need to.
Nashstyle said:
If you go to the Powerchip website and fill out an order form for any car they explain how they install each chip, also stating whether or not the car uses Eprom, so thats an easy way to find out if you need to.

I know how to install the chip and which ones have the epprom I was just informing John that the one listed as non eproms actual have removable eproms in them
supervr4 said:
Nashstyle said:
If you go to the Powerchip website and fill out an order form for any car they explain how they install each chip, also stating whether or not the car uses Eprom, so thats an easy way to find out if you need to.

I know how to install the chip and which ones have the epprom I was just informing John that the one listed as non eproms actual have removable eproms in them

Thanks for the info :D

Much appreciated.

hey jon say if i got an evo 3 and i wanted this sort of ecu chipping and what not to go on ( :lol: ), can you do it?
I've had mine chipped by Marty (ECU Edit), and will be getting it dynoed soon, i'll let you guys know the results, they were also capable of including launch control.