E85worth the hassle ??


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Evo II I think an the rear diff is evo I from memory might be vice versa, Seems to be holding up for now done a fair few low 11 sec passes with a few very hard launches trying to run a 10 an heaps of track days
Interesting feedback re this fuel.

Quick question though - isn't big torque the thing that has caused damage to our boxes, especially 4th/5th?
4th gear is weak. You will break it if your are making decent power. I would say it is only a matter of time. 300 plus kW I would say is the mark.

Also, dyno equals more stress than road. More likely to break on dyno than road.

Mine broke coming onto boost in 4th. Expensive exercise.
E85 IS worth the hassle providing you have a smart tuner that doesnt tune it at E85!!!! Some will tune at 70, some even lower.
Not all tuners are the same either Go to a tuner that is tried and true and experienced in tuning with it and dont waste your time and money going to somebody who isnt - no matter how much they talk themselves up.
You can have a tuner tune your engine on 98 octane and make X amount of power. Then go to another tuner who tunes your car on E85 and gets less power using ethanol.
Yes, it happens.