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evo-gsr said:
What about rest of car? The plate probably isnt even from that car.
Its an Evo 1, I can assure you.
You seem to know a bit about this guy and car. I was interested in this car. Can you tell me why this guy and or car might be dodgy?
^ I reckon the PM strategy is right. He probably just has to be cautious about being perceived as putting slander out there in public and the guy getting wind of it. I suppose the initial feedback would be enough to raise the warning flags and then further details "off the record" would be the final decider.
Yeah ok fair enough. Funny thing is i just had him ring me wanting to buy my ecu ive got for sale. Mmmm interesting wonder if he has seen our comments?
Says wanted at the top but description say other wise.... Either that or he wants a very specific car lol....

Cut and paste from gumtree.

4G63T engine
Rebuilt evo3 turbo
New exhaust
Near new shocks
New lowered king springs
Good tyres
Microtech computers
Needs fee clips inside and headlight globes
Will pass blue slip

Needs "fee clips". Don't know what they are but it needs them... HeHe...
Hi guys
Anyone know anything about the various Evos 2-3 on car sales? Seem to have been for sale for a while!
GSR 95T said:

Running through them, the maroon 2 looks ordinary and to have had a hard life.
The black two has a 240 km dash so unknown kms and also non original wings and colour
The White 2 with 3 spoilers looks interesting. I saw the comments earlier in this thread but would like to know more if anyone knows anything.

The bodgy 3 on the dyno can't be registered so that's out.
Which leaves the modified 3. Anyone know anything about this one?
95gsr said:
I enquired about the white 3 several months ago. The owner said he is overseas.
OK. I guess he doesn't want to sell it?

Anyone know who bought Travis's old 2 that was on carsales?

Ideally I'd like to buy another early Evo 1-3.