My ECU is only chipped unfortunately, bought a chip for a dual board which is the 1988's ecu, had it professionally installed, they said the car wouldnt start, chip brand new, could it be that someone has replaced the dualboard ecu with a single board, and if so what do i look for to tell the difference. it really needs a link G4 Storm but i dont have the funds for it right now, would like to tune it as best i can as its running really rich after its rebuild, has been run in done 3000 kms since its rebuild if that, would like to tune it for the setup because as it is, if you boost it quite a bit it will cut out at the lights - flooding itself kinda thing pretty sure, 99% sure theres no vaccuum leaks anymore, if there is wouldnt be very big at all, not laggy at all, and no more boost leaks, anyway i digress... How do i get on with tuning it, with either or ecu. whats the best way to get on about that