Evo 1-3 or GSR diagnostic pinout


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Callan Bull

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2014
Sutherland, NSW
Just curious if anybody has a diagram of the diagnostic port on early Evo's. Or also if anyone knows through an engine conversion from 1.8t to 2.0t if such wiring would be changed or modified in the swapping of engines.

To explain, I'm trying to get the PDA cable from meek and run the MMCD software to diagnose. I have a Mitsubishi adaptor plug at work which does fit but doesn't react at all (doesn't even show power through it's current arrangement). So I was contemplating the possibility that the plug was inactive or wired incorrectly.
can you take a look at you white plug next to the fuse box and tell me how many pins it has?

this socket

i have successfully used a std obd scan tool on both my cc gsr 4g93t ecu and the evo 1 4g63T ecu but my diag socket is different to most. mine has an obd2 plug near the hood catch release an that the white plug pictured and i need to use both to initiate communications
ok mikey or someone else might be beter suited to helping you. mine is different in that that white plug pictured only has 1 pin in it and that to initiate comms you need to use both the obd2 std conector and the 16 pin obd1 connector at the same time through a multiplexor
Hey guys, cheers for the help. From what I can determine, the 4 pin ports aren't compatible with mmcd. I'm sure I could modify it to suit but probably not worth it as a haltech is on it's way to me soon. From what I've learnt, the flashing diagnostic route has given me a fair understanding. Logging was just going to confirm everything 100%
on the series two GSR aust delivered models. there are often an OB1 and an OB2 plug. In most the OB1 plug has a single wire and that is just an earth....but without it connected, nothing works when trying to log or check error codes
yeah brian thats the way my lancer is too it's a 93 build 94 comply cc lancer coupe.

in it i have been able to with a snap on scanner been able to diagnose the std ecu a gsr ecu and an evo 1 ecu all using the same protocols. it's worth noting the flash method does not work on this styel of diag port
If you are using an EVO ECU, it won't log. GSR ECU's work fine. I contacted Hamish from EVOscan several times to ask him to address the issues but to no avail. Seems that they only care about late model EVO's these days :wacko: