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I don't think I have been yet, what do I have to do to "join the ranks of the banned"? :twisted:
CLuTZ said:
Now I know the real reason for pulling out of the Go-Karts :roll:

I pulled out of go karts because I was firstly annoyed with a fellow member on a forsale.Secondly the lack of action taken by the mods to rectify my dispute other than to try find/sell me another one.

As for the Dobbing in of fellow members on Evo-Oz I laugh at the allegations. Im sure over the week I have said more than enough to show my opinion throughout this whole ordeal.Anything that I may have said during discussions was already known as and I have nothing to hide.

I will answer any ?s honestly that anyone has to ask me so fire away.

I would just like to add that I am very close friends with Moe in which I'm sure you all know is a moderator on Evo oz and any questions asked by him were honestly answered in which there were few.
3zercrowd said:
Please tell me you copied and saved all of that? :shock:

I usually copy a **** tin of threads from certain places when I need ammo :wink:

My computer is a fucken big depository let me tell you. :twisted: :wink:

i went to check out what they had to say for themselves, but the post isnt there any more.. theyve deleted it hmmmm

look dont get me wrong .. i like surfing in the evo iii/gsr areas of the evooz forums.. but when i saw that posted by a Mod i was pretty damn disappointed...
people getting banned from a forum???? is this for real?....how the hell do u get banned from a forum?? :lol: doesnt anyone think thats a bit drastic???? i think people here have to calm down a bit and think about it cos at the end of the day we all drive a 4g and ride boost......yeh i got a bit mad about it but when u sit and think about it....theres more to lose than to gain dont u think people? :wink:
Yes, the community is growing. Yes, some prefer to buy-and-bolt-on while others take the time to research, develop and build. I've been in both camps with the former only a few years ago and they're radically different pathways of thought. However, to reach a critical mass in the automotive enthusiast community with the defining factor being the cars we drive it must be noted that we DO have to support one another in a myriad of ways: attending each other's events for example, to lower costs per entrant and hence allow a larger turnout(Critical Mass)

This is the first step that both sides of the coin can take(make no mistake, we are on the same three-diamond coin) But for things to even get started, this entire issue has to be recognized as harmful to future opportunity for both parties/forums. What's happening now is basically putting a hole in our collective ship before it gets out of dry dock.

"If we don't stand together, then we will die alone."
G5R5OL said:
CLuTZ said:
Now I know the real reason for pulling out of the Go-Karts :roll:

I pulled out of go karts because I was firstly annoyed with a fellow member on a forsale.Secondly the lack of action taken by the mods to rectify my dispute other than to try find/sell me another one.

As for the Dobbing in of fellow members on Evo-Oz I laugh at the allegations. Im sure over the week I have said more than enough to show my opinion throughout this whole ordeal.Anything that I may have said during discussions was already known as and I have nothing to hide.

I will answer any ?s honestly that anyone has to ask me so fire away.

I would just like to add that I am very close friends with Moe in which I'm sure you all know is a moderator on Evo oz and any questions asked by him were honestly answered in which there were few.

You've had a teary over missing out on some amber corners?????!!!!!! I even offered via PM to get some for you from Japan CHEAP so don't blow that horn. I didn't even get a response!!

Its not our responsibility to chase people up for such things, and from what it sounded like, it was clearly bad communication that caused the issue.

As for allegations, they're not - they've been proven - you yourself have been ratted out! Extremely poor effort on your behalf I must say. :smt011

and im glad you're friends with somebody because that sort of attitude isn't going to win you any friends around here!

I have been ratted out?please explain as to what your allegations are!
How the **** do you ratout on a forum?
Why did you find the need to lie about your sig on evo-oz has me baffled.
I am not friends with the Admin on Evo-oz nor friends with you but I do point out my opinion in matters on both sites in threads.

You call me a dob with no justification and what I will now explain is the reason why I call you a Con with this explanation.
I saw a forsale thread with your steering wheels and gauges,you explained that you had purchased these items for your car but now have decided to sell due to change of mind :roll:
That is where I base my opinion of you and why I was pissed off when you wanted to use my situation with the corner lights to make money.
As an ADMIN I would atleast try and find out what happened as it was your site that the original lights were seen,pms sent and ultimately the item was relisted nearly the next day.

This site should be about saving mitsubishi enthusiasts from getting ripped off not as a gateway for fraudsters.
A Con you say? A fraudster!??

Im no Con, in fact I resent you calling me one because im far from it.

Did you read what I offered you correctly!! I FELT SORRY FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU WERE UPSET WHEN YOU MISSED OUT ON THE AMBER CORNERS SO I WANTED TRY AND GET SOME MORE FOR YOU! i wasn't going to make any profit.

they would have been cheaper than what the original ones were! :roll:

but if that wasn't good enough for you, then get them somewhere else. :lol:

there was no need for moderator intervention in that instance because you weren't out of pocket, no-one had been stooged, and you'd basically just missed out on an item. boo-hoo!

thanks for the fraudster comment too, im sure theres a lot of people on here that think otherwise.
CLuTZ said:
Now I know the real reason for pulling out of the Go-Karts :roll:

I pulled out of go karts because I was firstly annoyed with a fellow member on a forsale.Secondly the lack of action taken by the mods to rectify my dispute other than to try find/sell me another one.

As for the Dobbing in of fellow members on Evo-Oz I laugh at the allegations

Thats not what you told me in the pm you sent me. Does that mean I get to call you a ******** artist??

and you're trying to say that you did tell one of the mod team on EVO OZ about this particular thread, but you're also trying to say that you didn't run off and nark like a sissy? Yeah that makes sense.

The only thing that has done, is cause a whole bunch of animosity towards not only yourself, but between both clubs (as if there wasn't enough already) :roll:

You threw another log on the fire and watched it burn, but didn't even have the balls to admit it?
CLuTZ said:
CLuTZ said:
Now I know the real reason for pulling out of the Go-Karts :roll:

I pulled out of go karts because I was firstly annoyed with a fellow member on a forsale.Secondly the lack of action taken by the mods to rectify my dispute other than to try find/sell me another one.

As for the Dobbing in of fellow members on Evo-Oz I laugh at the allegations

Thats not what you told me in the pm you sent me. Does that mean I get to call you a ******** artist??

and you're trying to say that you did tell one of the mod team on EVO OZ about this particular thread, but you're also trying to say that you didn't nark like a sissy? Yeah that makes sense, cuz.

hey bro, unfortunatly my bro and I won't be able to make it now hope we haven't inconvenienced you.

CLUTZ wrote
Na it should be sweet bro, im sure we can make up the numbers- one less personb to overtake me anyways Laughing Laughing

Is this the Pm You speak about?Where is the ******** there?
Call me whatever you like as long as it is backed up with proof!
You guys cant talk you say one thing here then say something else there.

I had more respect for many members on here until all this ****.
I pmed you on evo oz aswell about whats going on and got a ******** answer.
I dont consider to be in an inner group on here nor there so dont wish favours from anyone by so called NARKING.Its common knowledge that this forum has a hidden area yet you blame me?
I dont see the big fucken deal and never have with this whole thread tbh
G5R5OL said:
A Con you say? A fraudster!??

Im no Con, in fact I resent you calling me one because im far from it.

Did you read what I offered you correctly!! I FELT SORRY FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU WERE UPSET WHEN YOU MISSED OUT ON THE AMBER CORNERS SO I WANTED TRY AND GET SOME MORE FOR YOU! i wasn't going to make any profit.

they would have been cheaper than what the original ones were! :roll:

but if that wasn't good enough for you, then get them somewhere else. :lol:

there was no need for moderator intervention in that instance because you weren't out of pocket, no-one had been stooged, and you'd basically just missed out on an item. boo-hoo!

thanks for the fraudster comment too, im sure theres a lot of people on here that think otherwise.

I guess I will never know will I?
CLuTZ said:
CLuTZ said:
Now I know the real reason for pulling out of the Go-Karts :roll:

I pulled out of go karts because I was firstly annoyed with a fellow member on a forsale.Secondly the lack of action taken by the mods to rectify my dispute other than to try find/sell me another one.

As for the Dobbing in of fellow members on Evo-Oz I laugh at the allegations

Thats not what you told me in the pm you sent me. Does that mean I get to call you a ******** artist??

and you're trying to say that you did tell one of the mod team on EVO OZ about this particular thread, but you're also trying to say that you didn't nark like a sissy? Yeah that makes sense, cuz.

hey bro, unfortunatly my bro and I won't be able to make it now hope we haven't inconvenienced you.

CLUTZ wrote
Na it should be sweet bro, im sure we can make up the numbers- one less personb to overtake me anyways Laughing Laughing

Is this the Pm You speak about?Where is the ******** there?
Call me whatever you like as long as it is backed up with proof!
You guys cant talk you say one thing here then say something else there.

I had more respect for many members on here until all this ****.
I pmed you on evo oz aswell about whats going on and got a ******** answer.
I dont consider to be in an inner group on here nor there so dont wish favours from anyone by so called NARKING.Its common knowledge that this forum has a hidden area yet you blame me?
I dont see the big fucken deal and never have with this whole thread tbh

The big deal is that you opened your mouth, and look what happened. This area is not hidden. Anyone with a decent contribution to the club (150 posts) can view it and post in it.

Dont you think that anyone who had the ability to nip the situation in the butt would have done it on here, in this thread, instead of running off and squealing like a nark, and causing a whole bunch of dramas over there instead?

There is no inner group here. You have got it all wrong. Everyone was venting their treatment that they have recieved from that website. If there wasn't any issues over there, then there wouldnt be any threads about it here. Simple. I didnt think this was the right place (the 'private section') to start talking about this, but I would have gladly said the same things on any section, on any website.

I think this thread is as ******** as you do, but the difference is, i'm not going to get my moderator 'mates' to ban you and your 'mates' from this website just because someone was complaining about the way they were treated.

this is school boy ****- if you still dont understand- its time to go back to school.
Quoted;The only thing that has done, is cause a whole bunch of animosity towards not only yourself, but between both clubs (as if there wasn't enough already)

The animosity between the clubs is not my problem I didnt start it or fuel it.
Be honest with yourselves you openly admit to hating that site yet still post sell and there.

In the end I never directly told on anyone about this stupid **** but it seems I may have inadvertently confirmed it,Yet I find myself lost between the so called bought it Nazis and the built it Kids in which my pm on evo oz to you was about.
CLUTZ wrote
The big deal is that you opened your mouth, and look what happened.

You got banned because I opened my mouth? :lol:
You were asked to remove something and you didnt!
I think this thread is as ******** as you do, but the difference is, i'm not going to get my moderator 'mates' to ban you and your 'mates' from this website just because someone was complaining about the way they were treated.

this is school boy ****- if you still dont understand- its time to go back to school

I didnt tell anyone to ban anyone so stick that ******** where it came from.
I didnt go to anyone but did show discontent with this whole situation.I was asked by a friend about the seemed animosity.
I have always thought of Evooz as being **** it has just got worse and worse to the point i do not do any of there events anymore and even pulled my name of there evonats list

due to the attitude of there other mods not moe of corse

plus after seeing footage of there trackdays i think they need to vist a few SAU events before they do one again
You got banned because I opened my mouth? :lol:
You were asked to remove something and you didnt!

To make things clear for you, this is what happened:

1st) Someone started complaining of their treatment on EVO-OZ on Team4G

2nd) Someone else started complaining about their treatment on EVO-OZ on Team4G

3rd) A "built not bought" slogan was added to a few members of EVO OZ's signature, to prove a point

4th) 'Someone' runs their mouth off to a mod on EVO OZ, telling them about the thread

5th) Word gets back to the admin team about the thread

6th) Slogans forcefully removed because of it

7th) I ask why my signature gets altered without even a PM to say why

8th) The thread turns to ****- Turbo4 plays god.

9th) I get banned

10th) people trying to speak on my behalf or stick up for me get banned. Point proven.

Thats the whole story. Pathetic. Whats even more pathetic is that you're still trying to make excuses, and shifting the blame onto someone else.

This is my last reply on this topic.


I guess I will never know will I?

Your loss, mate. Don't expect any help from me in future, you've well and truly burnt your bridge.

CLuTZ said:
4th) 'Someone' runs their mouth off to a mod on EVO OZ, telling them about the thread

This is an excerpt of what was sent to EVO-OZ admins -

This whole **** fight was started by 12obert moaning about being told off for not showing up to certain events that he made a big deal about going too.

GSRSOL is pissed off because of his forsale thread had the some sort of mod interference.

The words Built mine not bought came about due to the fact that it was a way to get back at the mods on here.

One by one members on Team4g are almost being encouraged to come on this website and show defiance.

I am only letting you know this because I cant believe for one all the lies and excuses they are making in their responses on the Admin thread by Clutz and the fact that they are belittling other members on their own forum aswell.

As you may or may not know Roberts car got all his modifications done by Techsport recently and Clutz's car is at Creatd so go figure.

shame. :smt011

and then after all this has happened, you go and start another thread -

The attitudes I have observed over the years from other communities over the years made me a proud MITSUBISHI EVOLUTIONIST.Now the attitudes I despised are slowly creeping into OUR COMMUNITY.
5 years ago when I bought my car I was nothing but overjoyed to meet another MITSUBISHI EVOLUTIONIST as they were to meet me.
As I don't really know how to get to where I am heading with this I will get to the point...........


Which I found quite amusing, as all it does is further point the finger at you.

Your attitude stinks, not anybody else's, yours.
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