I know that gsr electric windows have been covered quite a bit as its a common problem, howeve rmy question is quite specific and thought it deserved its own thread.
The drivers side window is refusing to go up, and the tiny bit it can go down it seems to struggle. Took the door trim off to find that the cable that pulls it up and down is frayed quite badly, so when it goes around the the cog, it gets stuck.
Do i need to replace the whole lot, or can just the cable be replaced? Looks pretty tricky as theres bugger all space in there. Is this a job that can be considered to do myself, or should i go to an auto elec?
I really dont have the budget to be forking out much over $50, so if the window has to stay shut over summer then that may be the case.
I know that gsr electric windows have been covered quite a bit as its a common problem, howeve rmy question is quite specific and thought it deserved its own thread.
The drivers side window is refusing to go up, and the tiny bit it can go down it seems to struggle. Took the door trim off to find that the cable that pulls it up and down is frayed quite badly, so when it goes around the the cog, it gets stuck.
Do i need to replace the whole lot, or can just the cable be replaced? Looks pretty tricky as theres bugger all space in there. Is this a job that can be considered to do myself, or should i go to an auto elec?
I really dont have the budget to be forking out much over $50, so if the window has to stay shut over summer then that may be the case.