I Cant Believe it!


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C.C.T.V. camera mate - focus it on that area of the wall and catch not only their number plate, but them in the act.
CLuTZ said:
Did anything happen to the first guy??

just went to the cop shop, and got the incident number, then needed to go to the office of information department and request the crash details of processing, cost like $36

got home, opened the envelope and it was for the first crash, when the chick went through the wall. :(

damn it, so i need to go back tomorrow and get the correct incident number and pay another $36 :(

the cop who was investigating the crash that took out the galant said they would notify me of the outcome of the prosecution. however i never got the call and sort of forgot about it until you reminded me.
was thinking something like this,


spaced every 30cm, quick set cemented, only about 30cm high and sharpened into a spike.

idea being to rip as much of the cars apart as they fly over, i.e. fuel tanks, floors, tyres... drivers ass.
Send a letter to the Road Safety Manager in Vic Roads in your area. Advise your concerns including photographs and past history of what has happened. Tell him/her that you have concerns for the safety of your kids and other pedestrians on the nature strip. Saying that your kids regularly play football on the grass or play outside the boundary fence on the grass will give your case more ammunition. If it was happening in NSW theyd install speed humps and **** in the street to get cars to slow down, or guardrail on your corner. Once VicRoads receive your written correspondence they have to respond to you. They cant respond until they send a Road Safety Officer out on site to investigate, talk to you, look up any speeding fine data in the area or crash stats etc. If they find its a worthy cause they will bring it up in Road Safety Committee meetings with the Council and local Police. Here in NSW the RTA will provide the Council with extra funding to carry out the works. Else, plant some trees there man, I would.
i went to the council today today to ask what could be done.

apparently what happens is i write an email to the council, cc it to the civil engineer i was talking with, it gets put in a bucket of other things todo. in 6-9 months time they will put a traffic/speed counter out. then it will be considered a job, which will be drafted and scheduled.

realistically 12-24 months before anything happens. its only a rental.
SIVART said:
thats insane, they should at least put a guard rail in
If it were a big road they probably would.

Basically it joins to a car park where the dirty girls used to be, since closed. Just a back street.

Its basically a big car park for a few shops, people can drive through the car park, then theres like 100m of road to get a run up, then this 90 degree corner every bogan thinks they are drift king on.

Unfortunately to4garrets house just is where everyone tank slaps it and winds up.

I go with the rock idea, get a few of those moss covered rocks. Then they are there for decoration. :p
Space then 2m apart so they car gets stuck in between

Entaran said:
^^ Plant some bigass trees.
At this rate they will be knocked out before they grow.:huh:

to4garret said:
in 6-9 months time they will put a traffic/speed counter out. then it will be considered a job, which will be drafted and scheduled.
Like that will do **** as they wont record the speeds they need to think a big number of people are speding. Just the drunk/pinging ***** at 2am.
Yeah those traffic counters record a lot more info than people think. They count number of traffic, record speed, record day, time of day and even the type of vehicle travelling over it. We use them at work and it can tell the difference between different classes trucks, whether its a passenger car size and motorcycles. They're pretty good. One day I remember seeing it recorded a motorcycle over 218kmh on the freeway at 2am :)
wow. Are you talking about the traffic counters that look like two black hoses layed on the road about 2m apart? Or somthing differnt?
Shame they cant record a car sideways:blink:
Yes, Im talking about those 2 rubber hoses with pressure switches inside them going to a small black box on the side of the road :) If there is a trend of speeding cars/trucks using the road at certain times of the day the data can be collected for Enforcement Strategy purposes. Usually they are used to see if large trucks are deviating off designated heavy vehicle routes etc by the Vehicle Regulations Unit but the data has taken on many other uses over time as its available to the Police in joint ventures between say the RTA & NSW Police, VicRoads & Vic Police etc. The data can also be used by Road Safety areas to determine speed limits and number of vehicles using the road and whether the infrastructure requires upgrading. Its a great source of data and can benefit different areas. I cant remember if they logged bicycles but Im pretty sure they didnt.

I was working in the Vehicle Regulations dept last year for a while and put together a draft enforcement strategy for the region in relation to heavy vehicles :) I assisted in determining what times of the year and where to target heavy vehicle inspections. i.e. say that heavy vehicle usage increased along a certain back road during the grain season etc we would setup portable weighing stations to check they werent over mass or say over dimensions and that the log books were filled in etc. Its pretty interesting. Other things I was working on included gathering crash data information on the F3 Freeway and comparing what the causes were, ie speeding, asleep at the wheel, motor vehicle cause, trucks, traffic, weather etc to time of day, day, season etc. You do your bit to help ascertain what some causesmay be and then develop strategies to help make the roads that little bit safer :)

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