insurance question


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Apr 3, 2005
Melbourne / Mornington Pen VIC
this it hypothetical, but say i was in an accident that wasnt my fault, I dont have accident insurence on my car but ol mate in his new.. lets say holden does.

my car is unroadworthy because its lowest point is 45mm from the road (exhaust, & yet it hits everything, even the road with ppl in the back seat)

would my car be covered by old mates insurance or will it be voided because its not road worthy? or does that roadworth clause only apply to the policy holders car?
Did you get hit by your mates holden and is it going through his insurance?

If so, no it doesn't matter or shouldn't. The claim is valid regardless of your car being rwc. It's HIS car that has to be rwc.

otherwise you need to explain more.
ahhh ok i get it now :lol:

yeh what lorrie said.... if its 100% not your fault and the other party has admitted fault, then theyre insurance pays everything, regardless of whether your car is deemed unroadworthy due to modifications....

you shouldnt even have to tell your insurance

however, if both parties in the accident were considered to be at fault, or there is a dispute over who is at fault you will have to notify your insurance, in which case your will be shunted seeing your car is too low......
been there...

been there done all that..
well i had a high speed head on in my old excel.. ( yes thats right an Excel.)
now at the time i was unlicenced, driving an unregistered, uninsured vehicle. ( was a couple of days late paying it,) now when we ahd the prang the other bloke got done high range DUI, and negligent driving cause we collided on my side of the road. now if ur still following me its doesn;t matter about the vehicles it ends up going on the bases of the state road law.. and yes i got my insurance, actually it was through my insurance company.. i was lucky
Last major accident I had involved an old Landrover being hit by a car merging onto the highway in front of me, Landrover got sideways and I plowed straight into him at 100k's :(

My car ended up being written off and the insurance claim was made against the guy who started it all.

At the time my car rode at around 75mm or so high at the lowest point under my doors ( back when legal height in QLD was 150mm! ), exhaust and **** was lower, insurance paid out with no problems so I can't see you having any hassles Paul.

Btw, what happened mate?