Just bought a 1994 Mitsubishi RVR Super Sports Gear


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MDK87 said:
I tried it twice Dre, didn't work for me. Lifters are cheap enough these days anyway.
I have been using this stuff for 15 years and it works wonders! I just picked up a Libero with 2 or 3 different lifter tick tones.... I will do a before and after video soon!

Hyper_Mike said:
Hey man, do you still sell this at all? I would just be chasing one bottle to try it out :)

Cheers, Mike
Hey Mike na I didn't renew my membership but recently got some delivered from this site here. Was next day delivery too.

brenn gunn said:
Thanks again guys. Your help is appreciated. I've ordered those lifters, so that's another job done, Still got the lower control arm bushes, shocks and maybe top strut mounts to do. Gonna use the tax return for the timing belts A/B plus the seals, bearings ect. Think i found the problem with the 'heating tranny'. One of the fans was unplugged! But since I plugged it back in , it shifts fine after the drive to work. but the weathers cold atm so I'll wait until it heats up again before I tick that box. As every thing gets done , I'm starting to like this little car more and more :p
I got a quick couple of questions.
1) I'm guessing to set the compass up, you just face the car south and hit the 's' button?
2) Is the temp readout 'next to the compass' taken from the outside or inside? It was showing up at -1 here the other morning and it sure felt like that inside, but the bom was saying -2.5?
Thanks again
******* LOL all day at the compass comment.....genius idea right there.
Compasses in cars are hilarious!

If you are driving anywhere and have to think about using the car's compass to find your way to safety, I guarantee you are well and truly f#cked already and looking at the compass will only serve as

a distraction to the inevitable fact that you are going to have to eat human flesh to stay alive! LMAO
Hi Bren

Here are some screenshots as promised hope they work OK (Yes, Yes they do)


Front suspension.gif

Supension parts 1.gif

Supension parts 2.gif
And here are a few more which may be useful

The RED numbers are the latest part numbers in my copy of the ASA. (I don't know how to update it)
Dealers will recognize these numbers
Have a look at Amayama trading and compare the prices for the bits

Timing belt 1.gif

Timing belt  2.gif

Timing belt  3.gif

Timing belt  4.gif
jack of all said:
If you realise you need to travel (west), you should know what way it is from the time and sun.
You can also tell from the moss growing on the trees

but it's different in the N and S hemisphere
and I can never remember which side it is anyway
Might have to find a quiet roundabout somewhere?
Found this on a google

14th May 2006, 09:02
How To Set The Compass.
Press the "S" button briefly while stationary.
You'll notice the arrow go back and forth (Side to Side).
While this is happening, very slowly drive off and make a full turn (full circle).
This should automatically reset the Compass to where it's suppose to be! It's amazing...
Ok, I gave it ago but it just reset itself to nothing the next time i started it... I really just don't give a **** weather it works or not, but its a piece space that takes up room in the cab so it may as well work! WTF???
brenn gunn said:
Ok, I gave it ago but it just reset itself to nothing the next time i started it... I really just don't give a **** weather it works or not, but its a piece space that takes up room in the cab so it may as well work! WTF???
That's what I'm doing man. I though one was slightly bigger then the other? I'll have to check. And Pm me back ya bastard hahaha