Just bought a 1994 Mitsubishi RVR Super Sports Gear


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Hi , guys. Got the lifters this week from the USA, and put them in yesterday. Everything went fine with the exception of the valve cover not wanting to budge, had to lever it of with a pinch bar,. I'm a bit worried by the amount of black 'crud' I found in the head, so I have decided that at a later date I'll get another head and 'do it up', but that's in the distant future at the moment. I just did the trick like on the vid where you lever out the rocker with a screwdriver and tap the rocker back in ect, and no dramas there.

When I first started the engine, it made a hell of a racket, but after I let it idle for 20 minutes and then took it for a short quick run up to the pub and back, all was quiet and I could actually hear the exhaust from the front for the first time since I bought this car. I was prepared for the noise on the first startup as I've watched a few youtube vids where they explain that this is normal as the engine needs to work the oil up through the 'dry' lifters. I think that's right ? I found that none of the 16 lifters that I replaced had any 'springy-ness in them so I am assuming that they are all 'rooted'. Now that I am not being distracted by the lifter noise, I can hear a slight 'bearing' noise which seems to last a couple of minutes on start up. That's why I like quiet engines (in the engine bay!) cause you can hear things. I am guessing/hoping the bearing noise is in the timing belt area as that is the next job.

Ok , now for the timing belt. I was going to buy a timing belt kit and pay someone to put it in with my tax return,,, BUT,,, lol,, my boss hasn't been paying the right tax rate on my behalf and the tax office sent me a nice little letter with a nice little bill attached lol :fuuuuu: So I'm watching as mainy little youtube vids as I can on how to change your timing/balance belt. I haven't yet bought the belt kit but thought I better buy some tools for it first, apparently you need special tools. Found these on evilbay http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Sealey-Belt-Tensioner-Tool-Set-Hyundai-Mitsubishi-Proton-Belt-Drive-VSE5768-/350958368312?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item51b6bfb638#ht_1366wt_839 what do you guys think about this? free postage..

Thanks again to you guys for all the help, much appreciated. I like the oil pressure and boost gauge idea in the compass housing. cool. Kinda keeps it inconspicuous. :)
Oh and do the timing belts yourself.
It's only scary the first time then it's a bit ho hum!
As long as you get all 5 timing marks aligned and be quite paranoid about it.

Special tools needed 2 bulldog clips and tensioner adjusting tool.

By the way the prices from parts souk look good too
Even cheaper than Amayama trading.
after watching these 2 vids I feel pretty confident now,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRwecE8OOLU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q5xaUm0Kto Those tools from Sealey arrived today and you were right penngwyne, the other bigger pin is to retain the oil pump. I will rotate the engine a dozen times by hand and check it every rotation, before putting the plugs back in and firing it up. Thanks for your help. Now to find the money!
Hey, I just paid for the timing/balance kit, at meek,,, and tried to buy the tensioner but it is unavailable
Quick question, I got the timing **** on the way, I just want the tensioner! Any advice?
Evo 3 tensioner. It is shorter, but it is a proven tensioner you can trust. Meek must be out of stock of them.
brenn gunn said:
Hey, I just paid for the timing/balance kit, at meek,,, and tried to buy the tensioner but it is unavailable
Quick question, I got the timing **** on the way, I just want the tensioner! Any advice?
Did you get your bits yet?
How is the work progressing
penngwyne said:
Did you get your bits yet?
How is the work progressing
Hi Penngwyne.
I've got the 'timing kit' (2 belts, pullies, seals ect) the 'specialist' tools, but just had 2 of the worst months , financially, that I've had for years. I just can't afford the tensioner,, but hope to buy one for my Christmas present, lol. Our diesel mechanic at work wants to help me with it cause his missus has a DOHC 2 Lt hyundai, And he's never done one either but he knows he could lend the tools that I bought to do that one if he helps me, and his general mechanical knowledge would be helpfull,, not to mention his vast tool kit,,
Yes the Hyundai is the same motor

This is the cheapest OEM tensioner I have seen for a while. From Amayama Trading

Mitsubishi MD308086 TENSIONER $ 60.86 0.41 1 From Australia (Sydney) stock
penngwyne said:
Yes the Hyundai is the same motor

This is the cheapest OEM tensioner I have seen for a while. From Amayama Trading

Mitsubishi MD308086 TENSIONER $ 60.86 0.41 1 From Australia (Sydney) stock
Rvr is 7bolt, hyundai is 6bolt. Different parts in each, but the system is the same.
Thanks penngwyne for the tip on the tensioner and the video. I've seen another vid on youtube explaining how to use gravity to the right timing position on the balance shaft. I've watched so many vids now, I think I could do this job in my sleep lol,,, And I know that one night I definitely did,,, (did it in a dream) :)! I've finally been working overtime again, and I worked a full Saturday today and will be working overtime next week! I finally broke even last pay and should have money to spend this pay :) :) AT F#$KING LAST I've got a question though,, is there any diference between the tensioner at Amayama and the one at Meek? Is there any diference in quality? With the overtime I'm working atm I will be able to buy the one from Meek, if there is any real benefit in doing so. About the Hyundai,, is the head on the 2lt Hyundai the same as the head on the Mitsu? I noticed on my mates missus car that it has a plastic rocker cover ,, are they generally a cheaper and lesser quality engine?

I finally found a nice long deserted stretch of road on the way to visit a mate who lives out at Tara on the western Darling Downs in Queensland and was able to wind the RVR out at last. It is a stock engine, ( prolly more sub stock, considering its age) and got it up to 175kph where it simply seemed to stop responding ?? think the rpm where only about 5 1/2 or 6k in overdrive,, yup,, it is a auto,, I thought about it later and considered that the ecu may have limited its top speed ? because it seems to rev out alot further in lower gears. I was also amazed at how stable it felt at that speed,, I had to check the speedo a couple of times to convince myself that it was actually at that speed.
The head is the same as mitsi 6bolt. So it is a big port head. But, its intake flange is smaller than the vr4 but bigger than the evo/rvr. You should get the intake manifold to match if you going to use a sonata head.
There will be cam differences as well as the sonata is na.
As it is a 6bolt head, it will accept the bigger 12mm head studs, but the 11mm ones will fit.
On a rvr, if you have the cam sensor under neath the intake cam wheel, you would need to convert back to the sensor at the gearbox end of the head. There is no mounting lugs for the sensor at the front of the head.

I have also heard there is a 1mm difference in the offset of the cam wheels. I havent read that very often and aftermarket wheels seem to be a bit fatter to cover it.

I heard that the cam journals are a different size, but im sure they are the same. And just recently I reading of a guy making 756hp on a sonata head.
brenn gunn said:
, is there any diference between the tensioner at Amayama and the one at Meek?

175kph where it simply seemed to stop responding ??

Tensioner pics here The long one is the mitsubishi one I got from Amayama trading


My speedo is so far out that to keep the GPS at 110 I have to be indicating 118.
When I tried it out just after getting its 100k service the speedo needle hit the trip meter reset and as I didnt have the GPS in i have no idea how fast it was going.
Haven't done it since.
The Meek one lasted 30,000 Km but that may have been due to having been in and out of the car a few times
and I may have upset it while putting the pin back into it using a vice. (May have compressed it too quickly)
However I did feel that the genuine Mitsubishi one from Amayama was better made?

Also be aware of the differences between the tensioner pulley from each of them. (Have a look at page 3 of my thread)
I found the one from Amayama seemed to be easier to adjust to get the pin out of the tensioner.

AND as Jack mentioned there is a difference in the thickness of the tensioner pulley.
I could probably have applied someheat to my timing cover to make the meek one fit but I was being a bit pedantic about it at the time.
jack of all said:
And just recently I reading of a guy making 756hp on a sonata head.
I knew I was wrong. I thought I was silly thinking It was 864hp so i went low with the 756hp. And its the 1.8 hyundai lantra head, not even the 2.0 head, ha.
It was biglady on dsmforums:

She says:

biglady112 Proven Member

Nov 29, 2014 We run a 1.8l Hyundai head and make 864hp. It is timed just like any other would be.