Well, swaybar is back on and finally working well. I welded the GSR brackets onto the E3 arms and everything feels happy, most importantly, nothing snapped off. The front camber is out to about 3.2 degrees now and the handling of the car is the best it's been. I still think the springs are too soft, with the dampers on the front screwed right up the body roll is catching up and hurting us on the mid and exit of corners, although overall the car feels quite neutral just a fraction loose in the rear.
We competed in the 3rd round of the McRae rallysprint series, and for the first time in a while we were able to put in a few consistent runs and actually get some good data back from the car. And that's where the good news stops, we have a long list of things to try and sort out in the engine department. This "trying to do it all yourself" **** is costing lots of time and horsepower. We managed a top 20 finish out of 50 cars, and considering the company we keep at these events, we are pretty happy with that. We were also awarded the longest exhaust flame award, which started out funny but it is something I really should fix up. The AFR data shows we are probably losing some power by being so rich. On the graphs I attached, you can see under hard deceleration the AFR drops to <8.5 when the car is hot >110 so there is something going on in the coolant temp correction tables that need sorting out and I assume that from the base map (2.0 4g63t with 510cc injectors) the ratio's on the current 1000cc injectors are not helping. I might just enable decel fuel cut for the time being until I go get more dyno time. The AFR at WOT is also too rich getting down to the low 10's, mid 11's would give us back some power. It's just messy to, the base fuel map needs some fine tuning just about everywhere.
The turbo size was always going to be an issue on this motor, and it is really staring to show. I tried to up the boost from 16.5 which we have been running, to 21.5, but I think the poor little '05 is all puffed out by about 5000rpm and is barely able to pump 18-19 after that. The wastegate just keeps closing and the boost does nothing, and the turbo just becomes a massive exhaust restriction. Unfortunately we have to live with it until we can afford something bigger. Least it will give me time to research our best upgrade option.
View attachment braking area ignadv.pdf View attachment braking area injduty.pdf View attachment braking area.pdf