Howdy Ben, good to hear from you. Yeah they are certainly well off the numbers we are aiming for, but there is a few ponies to get yet with the current set up. Ignition and cam timing still need to be done, as stated above the timing map is still the base haltec EIII map, which is ultra conservative above 5K. Your right thou, the base is there to work from and that still has me excited. I would be very interested to see your map, I have halwin download here somewhere, I appreciate for the offer.
In other news, Brian has been kind enough to remind me of what an absolute pig of a race weekend we had, thanks Brian! Always rely on you to kick the crap out of a man down!

All the little things which come out of the wash when you start giving a new build some curry. Not all bad, have learnt plenty, and most everything has a fix.
The biggest issue was the boost pipework not holding together, the pipe on the J pipe blew off every run and that sucked!! My cheap arse solutions letting me down, where I should have just done what everybody else does, buy the proper part. With that in mind, new J pipe is now installed and she works proper. Adding to this issue, thoughts are that the BOV is faulty or too small for the job, I looked at it last night and I don't think the compressed air from the 3.5KM of 2.5inch pipework is all getting out in time. It may also explain the funny brake pedal, on the gas then jump on the brake and it felt like it took some time for the booster to become effective, sort of all makes sense now. So that was ripped off and binned, new bigger BOV installed, and seriously contemplating adding a second, not nice jumping on the brake and having a hard pedal that does SFA for the first second.
Crankcase vents are working well now they are bigger, and no issues in that department. Brads gearbox and Brians diff all seem to be holding together for the time being. Except Brian's cat may actually be hiding in the diff, howling like a bitch on coast. With the ring's bedded some more, a few more ideas and no race meetings for a while, I might go back to the dyno and see if we can't get 350atw, I think that is a reasonable number to aim for. Then go buy Jamo's 20g and some E85 and start getting serious!!
Anyways, with a car that barely held together for a lap, and a brake pedal that 'just doesn't feel right', stickman and fatty go for a lap!
And some boost pipe explosions for your enjoyment.