Next Victoria Cruise???


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Phillip Island!!! yeah its a nice destination, but the drive i pretty crap!! Would be going off down there mid jan!!! but like i said not much fun on the way.
as much as GOR would be great.....i dont think much ppl have the time to go all that distance.
Its a waste to drive all that way and not experience it properly.

I still think my idea is goin to be the more feasable option which is also more practical.....correct me if im wrong.....

Phillip Island is nice but the drive there is just a straight h'way all the way till u get there, so pretty boring......

The thing with Arthurs seat/ dromana/ sorrento is that we can make the most of the day and make it a really enjoyably one....

And we could organise it so its a rocker of a day!!!

enuf said
MADEVO said:
Phillip Island!!! yeah its a nice destination, but the drive i pretty crap!! Would be going off down there mid jan!!! but like i said not much fun on the way.

i second that. I do that drive every day pretty much, although, when its V8 supercar time your almost Guaranteed some LOSER V8 action on the way down/back.

I still have an organised cruise in the Mod section. With maps already there. Its to Cardinia reservoir, but via Kinglake, so theres some awesome roads involved, and there would be BBQ at the destination.

GOR would be good, but it can be really GHEY when your stuck behind a slow car (thats also guaranteed to happen) and I think for most people, 10 hours would be really draning it.

an alternative would be to go down to say apollo bay the inland route (theres some decent roads coming down into apollo bay), then come back along the GOR.
i think we should look at places, involving Beaches, Good Food that will be open, BBQ spots, and within 1 - 1.5 hrs drive each way....
sorrento / rosebud / point nepean sounds okay
phillip island is okay, but the drive is quite boring..

there is an awesome place i know of, the best zoom zoom s bends.. about 4 - 6 connecting s bends (like in the mazda ads)
its not too far either, i went their one day for work (up on a telstra base station)...

otherwise, what about wilsons prom? too far??
mt dandy?
cruise to my house!! all get pissed!!! catch taxi's home!!!! and i will pick the parts off the cars that i like!!!! :D
its a quite area.. in whooop whoooop
i forgot the telstra site name...

ill try and find out..
nice empty roads!!
mmmm use r correct about Phillip Island though... the drive their is just straight the whole time... but its really what everyone wants to do in the end... Phillip Island has nice beach... great Ocean road... n great food places... or if ppl want like we had last time (mountains n twistys) Phillip Island is not the place to be going...
Meh sorrento/arthurs seat is ok, but nothing exciting, esp if we go along the main beach road all we do is sit in traffic which is annoying. Last time i nearly smashed into dan because of some fool trying to reverse park.

gor would be alright, phillip island ok. What happened to that cruise we went on where someone knew this place out in the western suburbs/ring road and we got lost and ended up nowhere/coming home?
lefty said:
gor would be alright, phillip island ok. What happened to that cruise we went on where someone knew this place out in the western suburbs/ring road and we got lost and ended up nowhere/coming home?

You mean the one to blackwood? some of those roads were *********! I do believe we never found our way there tho.
i think the gor is a bit far! i know of another forum going to the gor but they wanna camp their the night... (dont know about that!)

but yeah i think thats a bit far to go unless we leave by 9am or something...i dont think we would get much ppl going to the gor cause of how far... like its not that bad, but we kinda wanna stay as a group, n make a few stop pits...
SXYGSR said:
i think the gor is a bit far! i know of another forum going to the gor but they wanna camp their the night... (dont know about that!)

but yeah i think thats a bit far to go unless we leave by 9am or something...i dont think we would get much ppl going to the gor cause of how far... like its not that bad, but we kinda wanna stay as a group, n make a few stop pits...

ye i think the same, GOR would be great but we would kinda have to leave in the early hours and i dont think many ppl can be stuffed coming to a meet spot at 9 am in the morning meaning they would probly have to leave home at about 8 am !!!!

Evil_Mx6 said:
I still think my idea is goin to be the more feasable option which is also more practical.....correct me if im wrong.....

Phillip Island is nice but the drive there is just a straight h'way all the way till u get there, so pretty boring......

The thing with Arthurs seat/ dromana/ sorrento is that we can make the most of the day and make it a really enjoyably one....

And we could organise it so its a rocker of a day!!!

enuf said
Evil_Mx6 said:
I still think my idea is goin to be the more feasable option which is also more practical.....correct me if im wrong.....

The thing with Arthurs seat/ dromana/ sorrento is that we can make the most of the day and make it a really enjoyably one....

And we could organise it so its a rocker of a day!!!

It is a nice drive up arthurs seat, but the problem is the rest of the drive is pretty shiteful, plus traffic is always **** there and back! Add to that the fac that weve already done it twice and it starts not to sound so good after all :?