sorry fellas, but you have a distinct lack of hot women!!
nah.. it was a good weekend, just dumb things happened
we drove over... all good.. 7.5 hour drive.
stayed at a mates' sisters place.. free accomodation woo.
5 males; one female. farken. my girlfriend didn't come. my mate's girlfriend didnt come. this girl who claims she's into cars wanted to go so bad and one of the boys liked her, so he made us take her.
we go shopping. who goes shopping :lol: women :roll: no hot chicks in the mall either btw. not even in the surf shops! :lol:
anywho, we go to the casino.. lose some money, drink a bit, then come home, ready for an early morning wake up to do to the drift comp.
only 3 of us were real keen for the drift comp (big mistake taking others that aren't really into it)..
we ended up leaving at about 11am. got there around 11:45. it was hot when we left.
by the time we got there it was raining. we got wet. then it got hot. then wet again. then cold wind. :lol:
then they wanted to leave early. i'm like "wtf we came over for a drift comp and we're staying for a few hours?".
i wanted to catch up with jack and tom afterwards but it didnt happen yeish.
then, at 9:30 pm that night they decided that we were going home.
ugh. i tried to talk them out of it, i really did.
anyways, after about an hour of driving, i was ready to doze off :lol:
had two cans of red bull (they say maximum two cans a day), and then two bottles of V (they say maximum of two bottles a day), in about 10 minutes. buzzin hardcore :lol:
overtaking a truck ar around 160k's, the dumb wench in the back yells "stop" and spews her guts up out of the window, all along the side of the car (luckily not mine) :lol:
we were trying to overtake this truck for like kilometres, now we have to **** around and do it all over again ugh.
just come through bordertown (i think - hazy recollection). detour.
DETOUR? :shock:
almost 100km detour. a car crashed into a tanker and people were killed. sad stuff.
luckily we looked at the map.. the detour they were suggesting was about 160km's, but we found a shorter route.. was a bit dodgier though.
anyway by this stage i was fairly stuffed. lights getting blurry and ****.. ready to have a nap :lol: . got my mate to drive for a bit, then he was farked.
we demanded a snooze! (the peeps in the other car wanted to keep going).
anyway we stopped for 15 mins. took a powernap like SO MANY SIGNS told us to (what, like one per kilometre) even though i was tired, i couldnt sleep cos of the drinks.. :roll:
anyways we swapped cars.. the two more awake drivers split between the two cars.. it began to get light, and my mate started getting drowsy, and the light was waking me up, so i started driving (i was in an audi hehe. i did a burnout in an audi hahaha), and we ended up coming down the freeway in peak hour traffic.
then, on the way home, some peanut came no joke about 10mm away from sideswiping us around a roundabout :evil:
anyway, these are the adventures of jase. now, back on topic..... :lol: