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Jun 17, 2005
To all the boys out there copping defects for rediculous reasons:

I'm sick of hearing the BS that the police put car enthusiasts through. Let's face it, the cops have no idea about the law when it comes to automotive applications and engineering and they have no right to overule an engineering signatory's professional recommendations in their specialised field of expertise. If we all become more educated in how 'they' operate then I bet most of the time we could tear up the notice in their faces and they cant do anything about it because they have no legally binding document to back their claims up. :evil:

I always thought that the Police should advise you the exact law you have broken once it has been commited? not rattle off crap like you're not allowed to have this, not allowed to have that, that's considered illegal etc.

Under Freedom Of Information or other means, is it possible to obtain Police guidelines and procedures in relation to identifying and enforcing automotive inspections? Or is it a book in their library that's 5 inches thick and when you open it up all the pages are blank and grey or written in magical invisible ink? :lol:

What I'm trying to get at is, how do we know if we are breaking the law when we abide by the Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Modifications in regard to owner-certified modifications, but the Police still get you for 'non-standard' fitment! Wouldnt it be better if we can read it in black and white and abide by it rather than have them make it up as they seem fit if they find nothing obviously wrong with the car?. Half the crap I hear people get defected for is utter BS and unsubstantiated and irrelevant.

Im not inciting anti-police fanatacism here, just the process of how they have gone about defecting vehicles over the last few years without one shred of evidence that I have come across to state the contrary in black and white.

If you had a policeman walk up to you in the street and said 'you're not allowed to wear blue shoes' and hand you a ticket... how would you have known it was the law until after it had been broken??? and they have the right to label some drivers as 'repeat offenders' when most of the general population are clueless as to what's Ok and what's not until after the offence has been commited :roll:

... just my 2 cents to vent out and get it off my chest as it still angers me that it has been going on for so long :oops:
Nope :D , just a couple of my friends got defected around the same time recently and both come to me for help and advice. Meanwhile both had to make alternative transport arrangements to get to work and back while their cars were off the road. The way they said the police treated them, spoke to them (like many of us know) is bordering harassment and acting not in accordance to the way they should be in the line of duty. i.e. joking around, wasteing time, keeping him from going to his destination, and one policeman was going to give my friend a defect for having a guitar in the front seat??? then said he was going to defect him for having a bigger than standard exhaust tip on the back :roll: Because his car has been defected before it's obviously on police record and now everywhere he drives they check it on the system and he cant go anywhere without being pulled over and harassed, even if they find nothing. My friend is actually an ex-copper (GD) and is at his whits end :roll: I just feel for what he''s been going through and obviously he aint the only one.
I thought that if you have an engineers certif, and the modifications were in the report, that the police were powerless to over rule it ???
Got a copy of the ADR's??

I had one in the boot of my car. When they started to say - "this is wrong, you can't have that" you would:

a) Give them the folder and get them to show you where is says so in the ADR's

b) Have it tagged so you can go straight to the page that says that it is legit.

A mate of mine had the same problem with cops trying to defect him for things he already had engineered.
Check this **** out.. very helpful. ( thanks sp33dy and his friend who originally compiled it! )

RTA / POLICE / VIC ROADS all got you stumped at where you stand?

have a good read through all this.
as it took me an ages to source all this info and make it simple to find and read here!
it cleared everything up for me with my project.

Info Sourced from VicRoads Website.

627kb VSI 1 - Bullbars
606kb VSI 2 - Windscreens, Windows, and Window Tinting
30kb VSI 3 - Imported Vehicles Conditions for Registration in Victoria
862kb VSI 4 - Summary of Registration Requirements for Motorcycles and Mopeds
38kb VSI 5 - Conversion of Vehicles to Motor Homes
20kb VSI 6 - Requirements for A - Frame Towing of Vehicles
842kb VSI 7 - A Summary of the Spray Suppression Requirements for B-Double/Triples
1,090kb VSI 8 - Guide to Modifications for Motor Vehicles
862kb VSI 9 - Registration requirements for light trailers manufactured before July 1991
4,433kb VSI 10 - Installation of Lights on Road Vehicles
641kb VSI 11 - Rear Marking Plates
688kb VSI 12 - Flashing or Rotating Warning Lamps
523kb VSI 13 - High Mounted Brake Lamps
598kb VSI 14 - Vehicle Identification Numbers
560kb VSI 15 - Additional Seat Belts for Rear Seats
573kb VSI 16 - Tyre Maintenance and Repair
572kb VSI 17 - Child Restraint Anchorages
550kb VSI 18 - Left Hand Drive Vehicles & Vehicles Converted to Right Hand Drive
701kb VSI 19 - Additional or Replacement Seats
895kb VSI 20 - Answers to Common Lighting and Mechanical Questions
632kb VSI 21 - Summary of Seat Belts and Child Restraint Fitting Requirements
1,478kb VSI 22 - Summary of the Australian Design Rules (ADRs)
601kb VSI 23 - Dimension Limits
592kb VSI 24 - Towbars and Couplings
22kb VSI 25 - Motor Vehicle Body Repairs
1,600b VSI 26 - Roadworthiness Requirements
611kb VSI 27 - LPG/CNG Conversion
751kb VSI 28 - Internal Roll Bars and Roll Cages
653kb VSI 29 - Drivers Field of View Requirements
3,695kb VSI 30 - Licensed Passenger Vehicle Standards - Buses


Now these are fantastic. (see below) - Info sourced from Department of Transport and Regional Services (DOTARS)

National Code of Practice. -- Strait to the top, no ******** from vicroads or anything. hard to understand, but its all the info you'll need

* NCOP1 Preface 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 132 KB]
* NCOP2 Intro 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 340 KB]
* NCOP3 Section LA Engines 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 580 KB]
* NCOP4 Section LB Transmissions 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 319 KB]
* NCOP5 Section LG Brakes 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 131 KB]
* NCOP6 Section LH Body Modifications 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 476 KB]
* NCOP7 Section LK Seating and Occy Protection 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 519 KB]
* NCOP8 Section LL Motorcycles 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 359 KB]
* NCOP9 Section LM Fuel Systems 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 188 KB]
* NCOP10 Section LO ADRS ICVs 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 970 KB]
* NCOP10A LO1-3 ICV checklist 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 264 KB]
* NCOP10B LO1-4 ICV checklist 27 Jan 2006 [PDF: 196 KB]
* NCOP10C LO7 ICV Motorcycle Checklist 27 Jan 2006 [PDF: 362 KB]
* NCOP11 Section LS Suspension and steering 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 867 KB]
* NCOP12 Section LT Test Procedures 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 421 KB]
* NCOP13 Section LV Alternative Power 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 71 KB]
* NCOP14 Guidelines Electric Drive 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 174 KB]
* NCOP15 Trike Guidelines 3 Feb 2006 [PDF: 518 KB]
* NCOP15A LEM Trike checklist 27 Jan 2006 [PDF: 294 KB]
* NCOP15B LEP Trike checklist 27 Jan 2006 [PDF: 349 KB]
* NCOP Cover Page [PDF: 73 KB]

also take a look here for Australian Design Rules -- http://rvcs-prodweb.dot.gov.au/ADRS.html

and new ones here -- http://rvcs-prodweb.dot.gov.au/NewADRs.html

and also info here for people doing up a street rod
Yeah i hate that :evil:

I havent been fukd over here in melbourne but was always being fukd on in sydney. Also another thing is, it cost me over $1500 to get my car registered and road worthy. What a joke (had to pay extra to get it done).

Another thing is my car is engineered for the engine conversion in the ACT, however that documment doesnt mean **** in other states? when it still complies with other states rules and regulations

******s :x
Yeah but even the NCOP has its flaws and leaves plenty of grey areas open to interpretation. I forwarded a submission to the RTA previously (I work for the RTA and have had direct contact with those responsible in the area) about coming up with a document in black and white that both the motor governing bodies and the police both agree on - that way we can have uniform laws no matter where you go. The NCOP was the first step in this direction, now we gotta get the police to recognise it and agree to it when they really have no strategic input into it at all :roll:
The skylines australia forums tried to do a similar thing a while back (obviously 'line owners get f'd in the a more than anyone else :D) and basically it ended up like this : If a cop wants you to be defected, you are. They have ultimate veto power, as they're not supposed to be mechanics. Say for example, exhaust noise. Some guy on the forums there got defected for his exhaust, which he had tested, and was legal when he had it installed. The cop measured it wrong, (ie, tester shoved inside the pipe) but still sent him to regency.

People were obviously rattling off stupid (and possibly fake) examples, but one guy had a book with his legal rights and stuff (so they can't go through his glovebox, etc) and did as much research as he could on the matter.. but, the cops didn't like that, and he still ended up canaried.
:roll: Same mate was pulled over again today driving through the same town as before - its getting beyond a joke as they obviously are keeping an eye out for him or modified cars in general. This time they asked to pop the hood and he had the stock blow off valve in place and the stock airbox in place. He asked why was he getting harassed as he just got everything cleared a few days ago. The policeman then replied saying something about all police are now undergoing new training in the field and that modified car owners better look out because the police are coming down hard on the modified car scene. The policeman said that he needed an engineers certificate for his front mount icoola (mind you its aftermarket 600x300 icoola behind an EVO 3 bar). There were discussions about GSR's having standard front mount but he was told that you 'have to have' frontmounts engineer approved, and you have to have them EPA tested?? I mean WTF??? Also the policeman noticed the electronic boost controller in the engine bay and said that it was also illegal as you are not allowed to have access to controlling boost pressures from inside the cabin - anyone else heard of this? Neither of these 2 items were brought up the last couple of times he was pulled over and now that his defects were cleared and he's back on the road they bring up these new items :roll: He wasnt defected this time around but they gave him a warning :roll: