Pressure Plate Or Clutch Cylinders?


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Dec 19, 2005
My clutch pedal is only returning half way then if knocked it will spring back the last half.

However it doesn't actually do anything for that first half.

After flushing the clutch fluid It went back to normal for about 4 gear changes.

I have been told it could be a cracked pressure plate or a screwed cylinder.

Is there anyway to tell other then replacing both??
are you losing clutch fluid?
changing the master/slave will be cheaper than pulling the box out and changing the pressure plate.
it sounds like a hydraulic issue though.

Trying to grab new master and slave cylinders to rule them out.

$30 no worries from autopro for the slave.

The master is more tricky.

Mitsu here "can't help me" coz my car is an import...WTF is that!!??

My VIN didn't start with the right numbers...why do thy care?!!

Can anyone get me a part number for the clutch master cylinder off a 89 vr4 rs. I am sure its the same as a aspec vr4.


have you go an after market clutch?
when i put my exedy H/D in, they put in the worng hose which resulted in the fluid not returning fast enough, the difference between the two hoses are that one has a little groove and one doesn't.
hope that helps.. i aslo had my slave and master cylinders sleeved in stainless.
Havent chaged my clutch yet.

The part Number for the master clutch cylinder is : MB012695

What does stainless steel sleeving do??
Basically Cade its a rebuild. Bore out the hole to accept a stainless sleeve and it will last forever (almost) better than new and it wont cost that much ($450 :shock: GF'd) You might be without your car for a day or 2? :(
for $450... tell them to take the master cylinder... and shove it as far up their ******* as it will go! :lol:
i think i paid about $100 for mine...
rank rotary ordered and fitted them all for me (master and slave)
one was reco'd and one was a brand spanker... i can't remember which was which though, i don't have the receipt here either.

just get it rebuilt with a stainless sleeve.
rebuilt normally bout $110.00 also got s#*t loads of second hand units if required $30.00

Also is this a new thing or have you just replaced the clutch ??? If so is the adjustment correct ??

it cost me around $70 trade price for a clutch master and slave cyl from australian brake sleeving in qbn (silva ave)
hardley worth the messing around

The idea of getting the master/slave cylinders is that stainless wont pit or scratch. so when the seals go all they need is a light hone and a new seal kit. standard master/slave cylinders cannot be honed and if are not rebuilt are very much usless. Often as not resleeved cylinders come with a lifetime warrenty. to get a master rebuilt usually cost around $120 and the slave about $90.

cheers dave