Rebuilding front window regulators


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self employed bum
Sep 18, 2009
As topic reads.

Not really wanting to pay 300 for both front electric motors when I'm trying to sell the car. Are you able to rebuild the motors?

Problem is that they go down but have trouble going up. Ie sometimes they don't.
That's probably a lube issue. Sometimes slightly unloosening and re-tightening the alignment bolts of the rails inside the door frame works ;)
Either that or the wire from the reg is starting to try and cut itself another track in the nylon guide attatched to the rear of the motor... Once it does it jams and then the wire snaps.
if I go all the way down also they take like .... 5min of holding the button up and banging the door before the window comes back up again lol
I had exactly the same thing happen and I had to suck it up and buy new ones because as Jamo said that plastic nylon guide is the problem. Mine snapped the wire.
Sure its not the window regulator? The wire jams/frays/becomes stuck - ie farked.

The new part is an updated revision and does not jam/fail like the original. I don't remember it being too expensive in the $100ish range going a few years back now, maybe 8 :S
Have you tried yelling profanities at it? Might not help the problem, but you'll feel better. :p

I had almost the same thing with my piece of R

Pull off the door trim and get 12v directly to the motors using some cut to length wire, should be easy enough to pull the plug or just jump the wires. If they're still doing the same thing it has to be friction like some have said, if it makes

them work properly then its a controller issue.
Just wondering are the regulators in gsrs the same as evos? Called a few wreckers and they say there is a slight difference between lancer cc regulators