RVR Oil Filters


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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
Perth, WA
Read the below on another forum, what do you guys make of it? Does the larger diameter really have any positive effects?

EVO 1-3 = MD135737 - Ryco Z411

I will be checking out the Ryco Z436 for size etc but until then, I will be
using the Z142A filter instead of the Z411. When I was last shopping with
the wife I was bored so went to Kmart and checked out the filters (took photos too ).... anyway - I confirmed that the Z411 & Z142A have the same thread and rubber seal dimensions and the Z142A is about 5mm shorter... but is significantly larger in diameter... which should mean more capacity, better flow and more filtering element to keep oil clean.
It really depends on what you want.

If you change them regularly it shouldn't really matter.

But I find with our crappy dump pipe design, the smaller the better. It allows us to run a larger radius bend on the dump!

FYI, SR20 oil filters also fit!
Thats why I have a Z79A.

The previous owner had it on when I got it, and it's got around 8mm of clearance from the 3" Dump.

I'm in the process of a relocation kit and cooler, and making a bracket to shield the lines to the cooler to stop the issue of frying the filter.
FTO uses same filter.
So that part number is correct.

FTO share a lot of similarities, filters, front brakes and a few other bits.
FTO uses same filter.
So that part number is correct.

FTO share a lot of similarities, filters, front brakes and a few other bits.

Thanks, Dan - I should have the chance to get under the RVR and do the oil change tomorrow or Friday, and confirm against whatever filter the previous owner had installed (I just bought this Hyper Sports Gear last week).

I checked out your RVR parts-number-database thread, and commend you highly. Maybe you can add this oil filter number, and I will update you with any other part numbers I come up with here, which may be useful to the few RVR'ers on this side of the globe.

For example: I was unable to find (for immediate use) any of the brands of air filter I would have preferred (those in your listing among them), so the parts supplier cross-referenced a Purolator alternative, which I just popped in, and it fits perfectly. The number is Purolator Premium Plus A24720. I'll post up if I find anything else of interest. Thanks again.

I'll add those numbers to the list.
What I have is simply from what I have done myself, so adding it all as I go.
With others input like yourself we should have a comprehensive list in time to come.

I will add the Mitsu part numbers, however I was previously excluding due to popularity of 3rd party over oem, mainly due to pricing.
But I will add anyway as a reference.
All I can find in stock here is MZ690115, but on other forums they say that's an FTO filter(?) - thanks.
Hey hsr.

Where did you get that number?
Had a quick look this morning just out of curiousity due to the 'Z' and that wasn't the part number to pop up for RVR/ FTO oil filter.
was an MD36 number...
Hey hsr.

Where did you get that number?
Had a quick look this morning just out of curiousity due to the 'Z' and that wasn't the part number to pop up for RVR/ FTO oil filter.
was an MD36 number...

From one of the more competent (?) parts stores here, after going around the maypole with them on what vehicle and engine it is for. I actually have the filter in my possession, intending to do the oil change tomorrow (which is now today - it's past 2am). BUT, I took a quick comparison look earlier at the filter that's currently installed and this one (MZ690115), and they are definitely not the same size (the new one seems a good bit smaller). I will update you when I take the old filter off, pretty sure that I'll have to take it to the parts store (?)

If you do a search on the filter number I gave you (MZ, etc.) on lancerregister, you will find several related threads (not sure if I am allowed to post the links here, so I didn't). The upshot is that apparently the MZ690116 is the right one for the Evo engine (but is it right for the RVR-version?), and that the MD part number you are referring to is actually the "Japanese part number" and the MZ is the "American"(?). Again, I think hands-on is the only way to sort this out here (very few other options in southern Chile). The previous owner told me that it uses the same filter as some Hyundai - the Sonata, I think (? - I haven't used this many question marks in such a brief space in a while).
If you do a search on the filter number I gave you (MZ, etc.) on lancerregister, you will find several related threads (not sure if I am allowed to post the links here, so I didn't). The upshot is that apparently the MZ690116 is the right one for the Evo engine (but is it right for the RVR-version?), and that the MD part number you are referring to is actually the "Japanese part number" and the MZ is the "American"(?). Again, I think hands-on is the only way to sort this out here (very few other options in southern Chile). The previous owner told me that it uses the same filter as some Hyundai - the Sonata, I think (? - I haven't used this many question marks in such a brief space in a while).
Fair enough.
I might make notes in the faq section for countries as well.
you are correct in that each country has their own part number, and they have a reference sheet, did not think about that originally.
My thought is that if they suit the 2g eclipse for you guys, then it will be correct for the RVR, as it's the exact same motor, including the cas on the cam wheel side.
I'll do a look tonight for that part number against ASA usa and see.
size can vary a bit, but so long as the thread and diameter are the same.. and it clears the down pipe, then it will suffice.

edit: see attached file.
This was an extract from the eclipse gen 2 search, so it is the same filter, which is the same motor, notice also the n2*ws in the list.

View attachment 5451

As a second insight, they did also list the same MD36 part number, but not 100% clear on what they mean in their notes.
But it all does the same job in the end.
I would think they would, atleast to a small degree, also would affect the amount of filtration, especially with different height models, etc.

konix, do you have a part number?
Okay - update/resolution on the HSG oil filter saga: I installed the Mitsu MZ690115 filter after being assured by the parts suppliers' calipers that the seal and thread hole diameters were precisely the same as the Korean alternative that was previously installed (I will have to check into that Hyundai thing I mentioned earlier), despite the fact that the filters are about 4mm (I didn't check that) apart in overall outside diameter (the guy at the parts shop said that's quite the norm for non-OEM alternatives). Everything changed and torqued, I just took the Hyper for a semi-spirited run (maybe half boost), crawled under it after, and there appear to be no leaks at all. So, apparently the 115 does work, although I'm still not satisfied that it is THE exact OEM filter for the HSG R specifically - the alternative (no brand) sat exactly flush on the filter-installation base, whereas the 115 is about 2mm inside, as indicated earlier.

In any event, I agree with dj_konix and others - this vehice/motor deserve a high-performance alternative, and it seems logical that the larger overall filter would be better for the motor (as mentioned in the replies). I checked the ebay listing for the HKS Hybrids, and would love to get some (should they be added to your database, Dan?), but, no shipping to South America (everywhere else, yes, but not here - this is something I am quite used to here - as I mentioned in the other thread, just finding parts for this RVR here is going to be an on-going project in itself; if any of you know of suppliers there more amenable to the idea of doing business with a burgeoning RVR-fanatic over here, please send me contact info). I found some of the HKS on ebay UK that says will ship worldwide, so have to check into that (and get past the COLOR). Or maybe I'll try to find some Bosch or K&N, no that I have some time to shop around before the next change...

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