Selling the Evo???


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Evolution II
Dec 24, 2008
Ok so over the last few months i've been really considering just flogging off the evo

its gotten to the stage where its just a joke, its been off the road more than on the road. When it was on the road it gets me into trouble. it gets defected, So I take it to the track and get one lap and it breaks again.

is it worth owning a modified car on the street these days?

maybe its time to grow up and invest in a house and just a crappy run about?

whats peoples thoughts on getting out of the car game?

who has done it and what was your last straw?

how much $$$ before you draw the line?

feel free to try and convince me either way as im on the fence atm

sigh!! semi rant depressed post over for now
I tried to get out after I sold the lasted for about 3 months. If you still have a passion for cars you won't be able to just kick the habit. Adelaide is **** for owning modded cars, so yes now you have been flagged on SAPOL's computers the next time they see you out late at night you will get pulled over and probably defected all over again.
Flip the coin...the car is only unreliable because of the modifications. If it were stock you would have MUCH less drama.
Build it right and build it strong the first time :p
Naaa... if you are in the market for a house then you seriously have to consider what you're going to do with the car. You can always buy another car later, probably the fruits of someone elses labour for a good price. :lol:
if you havent got the money to do both i would lean towards the growing up thing.... Never thought id say it but i love my house even with all the new water charges and **** like that, its a hard road to start off with but you get used to it.

Im at the point i dont find you can ever spend to much on a car, "obviously if you have the money to spend" if i bust a component i just buy something stronger or get something made to handle the punishment. Unlike alot of people i know that will constantly fit oem parts and hope they last to have them brake again not far down the track..
Our cars are old so **** is gonna go wrong especially if it see's track time or drags even spirited driving..
Massive decision to make but not saying you dont play your cards right now that you cant buy a newer model evo in time to come...

Others will say you only live once so make the most of it while you can.....
once in the blood you will never "get over cars"... you may have times when you dont have a toy..... but you will go back.

I have three lancers right now and then there is the daughters car too.......I just bought an evo1 knowing full well that it is a heap of ****! but while it is nice to have a nice home...and mine is ok. working in the garden just doesnt do it for me.

So my suggestion. get a house.then..get a car that is cheap but something that you feel comfortable in. dont go mad with mods and keep it simple
I was in the same predicament about 3years ago. I was spending most of my pay cheque on cars and the sort.
I reckon over about a 5yr span i probably spent more then 50-60k on cars.

Anyways i decied to bite the bullet, sold all my cars and bought a proton satria gli. Also at that stage i had the work van.
So i drove the satria around and the van to work, and ended up saving for about 6 months or so + the FHOG and the funds from my cars + parts.
I ended up buying a house and doing in hard for 2 years. Luckily i bought prior the boom, when i bought it i thought i had bought it in the boom period.

Anyways i paid around 375k for it, and almost 3 years later now its made me a packet >480k +, so much so that i could afford to extend the loan to cover the payment of an evo 9. I am currently leasing it out and its paying for around 3/4 of the loan repayments.

So i could justify going out and buying myself and evo 9 :)

If you have the cash and you can focus on keeping your money and saving it. Id say do it, itll b the best thing you have ever done and like the others said you can always buy the newest lastest and greatest car in afew years time!

Years ago I sold both my VR4 and my Familia for a deposit on a house. It took me 12 months before I could afford to buy another VR4, those were the worst 12 months of my life. :(
Years ago I sold both my VR4 and my Familia for a deposit on a house. It took me 12 months before I could afford to buy another VR4, those were the worst 12 months of my life. :(

If you were in the same position i bet you would do the same thing in a heart beat :)

If you were in the same position i bet you would do the same thing in a heart beat :)

Yep, bought the house for $180 000, sold it 3 years later for $320 000. That gave us enough equity to be able to go into even more debt to be able to purchase a much bigger place WITH A SHED! :D
Yep, bought the house for $180 000, sold it 3 years later for $320 000. That gave us enough equity to be able to go into even more debt to be able to purchase a much bigger place WITH A SHED! :D

Nice i love equity!!! Wish i had a big shed + a hoist.. lol they r in the plans for the next 24months i dare say tho!

your better off keeping it, stock motor, and buy a house , if you sell it your going to need a car anyway , unless your going to ride the bike all the time
its certainly a tricky one, i love my cars and driving them and have spent well over 70K in the last 6 years on cars but yeah time to get out for a while i think. Especially while we cant drive them on the street with out fear of being pulled over.

well the motor is already at the mechs and depending on the quote its prob going to stay a 2.3lt etc as to fit a 2nd hand motor is still going to be 3-4k

then i'll advertise it

my main issue is that for the 2 years ive almost had it, its been on the road for like 6 months total

the last 8 months was the worst (self inflicted 6 months loss of licence) then when i got it back it blew up and has been sitting there ever since.

so to me its just a waste of $700 a month in loan repayments for something i cant use.

ive learned in the last year that a car isnt really needed, so i will just get a cheap run about and yeah i ride everywhere. So much easier, cheaper and keeps me fit. Dont have to worry about defects or fines or nothing.
yeah good decision. i made a decision a few weeks ago to stop modifying cars.

i currently have my old car at home with rear end damage and have lost complete motivation so ive given it to my younger brother who is turning it into a track project.

i think if you are going to buy a house, you need to buy it asap as its getting harder and harder for the younger people i.e people in my age bracket early 20's, to buy houses and the longer you leave it, it is not going to get any better.