Smoking 4g63T


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Hyper_Mike said:
Well it would seem a rebuild is required, the rings are whats rooted. I have been quoted $3500 for a rebuild and $5500 for a "Performance rebuild" from an Engineering place here on the Gold Coast. Anyone know of any good engine rebuilders on the Gold Coast or in Brisbane who has experience with these engines, and please don't say NA Autosport, they wanted $9k + GST.
Did you buy a tester and do it yourself or did you take it back to mechanic?
What were results?
Id test it myself if it was me looking at even $1k repairs.

Maybe a member near you can give you a hand if you not comfortable.
I dont trust mechanics...
BMGTZ said:
why use a shop when there are plenty of people on here that could do it. Dont say for warranty....there isnt a warranty with a performance build from most shops.
I would be more then happy to someone off here help me out with it, I dont care about warranty most the places have a 1 month warranty which isnt worth anything. Plus at least people off here would jave some experience with these engines. Do you know anyone who couldhelp me with this?
Failing that, Mercury Motorsport? My 4g62 was a build from them apparently it was a $1500 build top to bottom with the head being replaced and rebuilt. It will be SO much cheaper doing the build yourself and you will learn alot too. Even if you don't get anyone that can help you, get the manual for the Evo 3 and rebuild away following the steps they give you if you are handy with a spanner? GL mate, sorry to hear about the problem being rings
Hmm only saw 2 sites with people having a whinge about them, 1 bloke saying the tuner went on strike at the time because of a pay dispute and never got told his car was not to be driven hard.... so he "only" took it to 6250rpm without rev limiter.... just sounds like a bunch of idiots having a whinge to me.... I'm sure there's not a 17 year old behind the operation.... don't see why you would have a problem with them if you haven't dealt with them personally or had a friend deal with them personally having problems.... going a little off topic, anyone had a problem with them?

There are plenty of people commending them and plenty of builds they have done on you tube.

Just these 2 blokes having a whinge that I've seen
I would go for a second opinion, those compression tests from the first test don't look like rings to me, unless they did a leak down test to confirm I'd be going somewhere else for a second opinion.
Well I have had personal experience with them from when they first opened their doors. Also have had several friends have direct issues with them.
It's up to the op where he takes his car but I wouldn't give them the time of day myself, and I'm 44 so not exactly a kid with a silly issue here...
brisvr4 said:
Well I have had personal experience with them from when they first opened their doors. Also have had several friends have direct issues with them.
It's up to the op where he takes his car but I wouldn't give them the time of day myself, and I'm 44 so not exactly a kid with a silly issue here...
geez you are old......
Im looking to purchase a td05 td04 if anyone has one, just to see if its the turbo thats leaking oil into the exhaust. I sent someone a pm on here who was selling a KLS one but they didnt reply. Anyone else got one?
Hey Tim, your post could be read both ways but just in case, I wasn't saying your a 17 year old mate ;) BTW you have any feedback on Millennium Motorsport?.... it might have been them that did my motor lol.

Hey Mike theres one on gumtree atm but I'd get one off a forum member if I were you to be sure that it's in good Nick. Also the power rating is a bit too much for the auto if you have one. I wouldn't recommend a TD05 on the standard auto, although Aldo says the mild TCU should be able to handle it ok... and he is an auto box wizard
Django said:
Hey Tim, your post could be read both ways but just in case, I wasn't saying your a 17 year old mate ;) BTW you have any feedback on Millennium Motorsport?.... it might have been them that did my motor lol.

Hey Mike theres one on gumtree atm but I'd get one off a forum member if I were you to be sure that it's in good Nick. Also the power rating is a bit too much for the auto if you have one. I wouldn't recommend a TD05 on the standard auto, although Aldo says the mild TCU should be able to handle it ok... and he is an auto box wizard
Hmmm damn dudnt think of that, what is the stock turbo on the HSG? I thought it was a td05 16g? Im lost now