Meh the guy was another time waster with a mouth bigger than his pocket. :fuuuuu:
I should be there in the GSR.

Gave it a bit of a clean and tidy up some things just now chucked some stiff struts in the back too, now it's really bumpy!
I'll be lucky to get 250k's out of mine Rob, but seeing as I'd already given you my word I'll bring along a 20L jerry.
Not sure if thats legal or safe though.... :huh:
You suck Jamie! Just thought I'd throw that in.

If we are going long distance and I can't take the jerry on board, I'll just hitch a ride with Craig or something.

I'll bring my CB radios with me as well, not that there will be many cars by the sound of it....

Should be good though.

Thanks Rob for taking the time to find us a route.
I've chucked alot of tools in the car so I'll probably be taking it easy. Hopefully we don't have to use them! *crosses fingers and toes*
Seeyou all soon!