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Hi Guys,
I wan't to make my RVR HSGR a little bit more practical and mount a towbar to it.
I've contacted a company in the UK that has 2 RVR Towbars on their price list.
But I don't know which one is the right one for my N23WG RVR HSGR.
They've emailed me the spec sheets of both bars.
But the information on the sheets are a bit contradictory.
They both say that it's for RVR Sports Gear and Space Wagon.
The one with N23W says that it's not for 4x4 models. However the N23W is a 4x4 model.
The other one that says it's suitable for 4x4 models lists only Space Wagon model numbers.
The only real difference I can tell from the schematics is part FJ.
Is there anyone who can give me a good advice on this?
I wan't to make my RVR HSGR a little bit more practical and mount a towbar to it.
I've contacted a company in the UK that has 2 RVR Towbars on their price list.
But I don't know which one is the right one for my N23WG RVR HSGR.
They've emailed me the spec sheets of both bars.
But the information on the sheets are a bit contradictory.
They both say that it's for RVR Sports Gear and Space Wagon.
The one with N23W says that it's not for 4x4 models. However the N23W is a 4x4 model.
The other one that says it's suitable for 4x4 models lists only Space Wagon model numbers.
The only real difference I can tell from the schematics is part FJ.
Is there anyone who can give me a good advice on this?