Don't know where you drive around Gianni, but it sounds like a nice place! Over here in Perth, I would be stoked if people were actively looking up the road for hidden cameras, or checking there mirrors for the sneaky bike copper hiding in the traffic.It means that their not looking at their laps txt'ing.
Unfortunately, most people have become very far removed from the actual job of driving, that's probably due to lots of things, not least the pace of life. If you look at how people function in traffic, it is rare to see someone any more involved in their driving than checking the brake lights of the car in front of them. Most drivers don't have the capacity to analyse anything further ahead than the car in front and this is the main cause of arse-enders.
With cars that park themselves, brake themselves, stop skids themselves and whatever other **** they can do themselves now, it is little wonder that most drivers on the road have removed themselves from the hassle of actually having to drive the car.
If your been driving for 5 years and you cant judge your speed to within 5km of the posted speed limit without looking at your speedo, you really should practice until you can, it's not hard, it's a skill you can learn. And while your looking up the road thinking 'is there a cop behind there?' It's often a good idea to think other things like:
- What are my options if that kid on his bike is going to dart out from behind that car?
- I wonder what my PNR is for those lights is given that it's wet?
- What are my options for when that bus pulls out of the bus bay?
- The cars 8 ahead of me have all jumped on the brake, I'll back off and open a gap, give myself room to brake normally.
All this used to be called 'driving'.
I agree that actual cops on the ground are the most effective way to get people to slow down. But.... the states need the money they raise from infringements. This is a business gentlemen, it has **** all to do with making roads safer.