What power should I be getting?


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CLuTZ said:
I always thought that you tune your car for its peak power and limits- bring the timing back 10% and your away laughing?

Thatd only be about 1 degree @ base..

Good point.
But if you get a tuner that actually knows whats going on you should never have to touch anything afterwards again..I hate how someone says..."maybe its gone out of tune,bring it back and we'll re-dyno it and see what we can do"
fish said:
It got dyno'd at 157kw at all fours, on 14psi.
Yep, 157kw is 210hp at the wheels on 14psi. Rule of thumb is around an extra 10hp for every psi afterwards. So at say 17psi you'd have around 240hp (178kw) and 19psi you'd have around 260hp (193kw) - why didnt you up the boost? :twisted:
10hp for every psi applies whilst the turbo is still in the meat of it's efficiency zone, after that you get less and less until more boost starts losing you power (yes, really).

Also, changers to the timing should be done in the ignition map, with a re-written chip - screwing with the base timing will result in the car running like arse off-boost (where you spend most of your time on the street).
JAP63 said:
CLuTZ said:
I always thought that you tune your car for its peak power and limits- bring the timing back 10% and your away laughing?

Thatd only be about 1 degree @ base..

Good point.
But if you get a tuner that actually knows whats going on you should never have to touch anything afterwards again..I hate how someone says..."maybe its gone out of tune,bring it back and we'll re-dyno it and see what we can do"

10 percent, not 10 degrees :wink:
VR-4Squid said:
Also, changers to the timing should be done in the ignition map, with a re-written chip - screwing with the base timing will result in the car running like arse off-boost (where you spend most of your time on the street).

Correct me if im wrong, but I think he has aftermarket engine management....
CLuTZ said:
VR-4Squid said:
Also, changers to the timing should be done in the ignition map, with a re-written chip - screwing with the base timing will result in the car running like arse off-boost (where you spend most of your time on the street).

Correct me if im wrong, but I think he has aftermarket engine management....

I think you mite be right, I wasn't sure so added the bit about the chip, either way, fiddling with the base timing only results in a car that runs badly down low (ask me how I know this, haha) :oops:
hmmm, i can say i'm a bit happy with my 1/4 mile results, just got back from test n tune.

Ran a 13.03, out of 4 runs. which was alright considering wheelspin in first and a bit in second at all fours. lol. hey, u know how all the v8's n 2wd cars do a huge burnout through the water first before they race? yeah well i thought i'd rev it up to 6g and drop it after going through the water. bahahahhaa, funny as all hell. started doin a bit of a crab walk. some dude cheered me on. lol. funny stuff. anyway, i'm upping a vid onto youtube so i'll keep ya's updated.

i want a bigger turbo now :S
Time for a bigger turbo :shock:

Have you upped the boost yet from 14psi? If not, the turbo is only just starting to become efficient.
rob323 said:
Time for a bigger turbo :shock:

Have you upped the boost yet from 14psi? If not, the turbo is only just starting to become efficient.

True point

thered be 50 hp left in that..at a guess...

Screw it up...
i'm a little worried about my tune, if i up the boost, will i be running lean? or should the ecu take care of that? its a microtech LT-8.
get it retuned to suit the higher boost to be safe. You can always turn the boost down on the street and only "let loose" when the need arises.
And bigger turbos don't?

Tuning for max power shouldn't take much more than an hour considering most of it is already done. It might be fine as it is or they may just have to fine tune the top end. But you won't know for sure until its on the dyno.
I'm still surprised that the tuner only gave it 14psi on the Microtech when normally the engine could be tuned for a few psi more... unless there was a perfectly good explanation for it of course??
its APC, they always do really safe tunes unless they say otherwise. didn't bother telling em to tune it for more. I wont be taking it to them for anything else tho, they do good work, but too expensive. After I pay some bills i'll get the boost put up a bit more. what would you recommend?
Yep fair enough it was in good hands. The boys at APC obviously gave it a safe street tune - you probably didnt tell them that you wanted all out power did you? :twisted:
with that setup (similar to my vr4 but i'm running a modified stock ecu) i'd be looking to run at least 18psi, but probably 20+ and looking for 200+kW @ wheels.

I've seen a few big16G's pushing 250kW @ wheels.