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i finished up my uni last year 8)

the $$$ on the other side makes it sooo worth it... but the uni-lifestye is gone... waking up late, drinking mid-week etc. etc. but when i do look back on the uni days i actually remember how bad it was in the real tough times - 3am early sunday morning at a club and the machine isnt letting you take out another $200 :cry:

you are right with food being one of the killers... $10 a day on lunch, with and extra $5/10 spent at the vending machines... and then there was usually a few beer inbetween some classes...

through the last year or so of my uni i was running two cars, and seemed to manage ok enough... mind you i was pumping out no less than 30 hours a week at work... throw in general time at uni, plus doing my honors dissertation and there really wasnt too much time left over...
ENGINR said:
EVO85 said:
There wouldn't be a snowball's chance in hell of me surviving with a mortgage, a modified car and a host of bad habits. :shock: Life is short, work hard and smart; and party harder... 8)

My feeling is that you shouldn't stop living and doing what you enjoy, but you just need to be smarter and a little more restrained about what you do and how you go about doing it. I have to admit that's why I sometimes don't log onto this forum for a while at times, I get jealous when I see some of the things some of you guys buy and do to your cars - I guess I just get that 'red mist' about feeling like I'm missing out and it depresses me! Stupid I know. Once I distance myself from it for a couple of days I don't think about it again.

Exactly, but the trick is knowing when to draw the line. What is the point of living if you can't enjoy life - what can you achieve when you're the richest corpse in the grave? Clearly you have to miss out on some things in life (or put them on hold). One thing that I have always aspired to do is travel OS, but the house and car currently take priority, but then again, that time will come. If you can work smart and get your priorities in order, there shouldn't be any reason why you can't live a little.... :p
yeah and the government is talking about removing the gst off the excise. wow a whole 3-4 cents off at the pump. spose its betta than nothing.
Full time uni student (5 year degree), with 2 jobs, 3 cars... definately agree about the petrol!

I pay $17/week for a train ticket, and fuel to get me to work and back aint cheap. And that's the only thing i've been using my car for basically - and it still aint cheap... but i travel about 20ks to get to work...
I finished studying at uni 20 years ago :lol: I agree petrol is a rip especially for me as its my daily but looking for a el cheapo 1.5 ltr that will run on an oily rag so i can just spend cash on race fuel for the Lib instead.
I make my own fuel.

Biodiesel for the win. Approx cost is something pathetic like erm, 8 cents per litre.

I still drive my landcruiser ute and i'm a fulltime student. What I don't spend in fuel, I spend in increasing my car loan repayments.
Oh the good old 'student days'...
had a Festiva (with the big-block 1.5L :lol: )
petrol ON AN EXPENSIVE DAY was 70c per litre.
Wish I still had that car. Traded it in for an EL XR6
Falcon. What a piece of **** that was :x
OFFON-4 said:
It aint gonna get easier either..

Inflation on the rise, reserve bank will be forced to push the rates up.
And for those who have a mortgage, prime lenders are tipped to increase the rates ontop of any RBA increases.

morgages are still easy, dose anyone remember last time Labour was in power with Uncle Paul. rates were 18 % fuel was cheaper but keeping a roof over one head was a bit tough.
this was when I started business for myself as it was the only way to get a job
as this other thing that was not a lot of fun was keeping a job, for the younger guys the other thing that will happen in the near future is that unemployment will go up

I know other guys that have there own businesses that are allready sheding staff to stay in front of the losses coming
Got to love it Full time uni student with 2 cars, and only a part time job. Rego this year cost me just over 1000 alone. I dont even want to think what BP Ultimate will cost in 6 months.
EVOISM said:
yeah and the government is talking about removing the gst off the excise. wow a whole 3-4 cents off at the pump. spose its betta than nothing.

It might sound a little odd, but I reckon they should bump the excise up. Charge extra for fuel and make public transport free/cheaper and any extra left over money can go into improving/creating more public transport.

Many other countries pay more excise than us, look at GB.
WindeX said:
It might sound a little odd, but I reckon they should bump the excise up. Charge extra for fuel and make public transport free/cheaper and any extra left over money can go into improving/creating more public transport.

Many other countries pay more excise than us, look at GB.

what a good idea try using p/transport outside melbourne
you will find that those that use most fuel live in areas that ether dont have or have little p/transport
more excise is not the answer I'm sure most truck drivers ( you know the guys that deliver almost everything would love to slide some pallets on the tram )
and any reduction in fuel costs are needed
I myself have just put my small work truck on LPG which is much more fun at the pump
what needs to happen is for more none fossle fuel to be used to cut costs
is anyone using 10% ethenol its cheaper than straight lead free
yet other countrys use much more ethenol in there fuels
all fuel in brazil has a min of 25% with some cars running 100 %

anyway that just a thought
Ethanol is a big topic. It's hard to produce, as they use molasses from sugar cane; and sugar cane crops take up alot of room; so yeah... they need to develop production of ethanol to be able to use it efficiently.

As to the amount of trucks... i think they should go back to using trains for transporting goods more so than trucks. Then the roads wouldn't be so ******.

Public transport in cities is so bad I almost considered driving to commute. It'd cost more, but at least it wouldnt be so damn overcrowded, and maybe would be more predictable.

What a bitch of a subject.
D3bb4 said:
i think they should go back to using trains for transporting goods more so than trucks. Then the roads wouldn't be so ******.
What a bitch of a subject.

trains for transport - wont happen in our lifetime
to much double handling

ie- you need to transport a container from Qld to Vic
first get a truck to pick up the container and deliver it to the rail 1 day gone
then the rail depot has to slide it on to the train at best another day prob more, then the travel time to vic another day to the vic depot and a couple more days to get it on a truck for the step from train depot to your factory
so at best a week and likely more

or just get it picked up and delivered from point A to point B with a truck
guess what its cheaper and faster 1 to 2 days

which is a shame the cost to move stuff on rails is cheaper it is better for the environment and such . but cost and time are out the window