Need help with making brackets to mount headlights in Evo 5


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Active Member
Jan 8, 2014
New Zealand
Hey guys.

I have a Mitsubishi Evolution 5 which was taken off the road for an illegal modification. Half a year later and thousands gone in getting it ready to be road legal again it failed its inspection because of my aftermarket headlights.
My headlights were projecting light in the opposite direction so is believed to be built to usa spec for lhd cars.

I bought some factory headlights yesterday but I can't mount them as my stock headlight brackets were removed by the previous owner during the installation of the aftermarket headlights.

The bracket is supposed to be riveted to the guards.

I've tried looking for the part but most places incl Mitsubishi say it's part of the guard assembly so cannot be sold separately.
As a last resort I'd prob have to get them custom made. Has anyone made these before that can point me in the correct direction?


(pic of where the bracket bolts to on the headlight)
Should be really easy mate. I have a shell (CE) at home I can take some pictures of so you can see how it's supposed to look. If your not keen to make them up yourself, I can cut mine out and send to you and you could mig them in.

In my world, that's a hour job using some 1mm plate, a drill and some tech screws. Grossly negligent for me to direct you that way, so offered you the first solution also.
Thanks for the reply man.
Appreciate your offer to cut yours out, but I should be able to get someone to custom make them if I have a idea of how they should look :).

If you could get them pictures whenever you're available that'll be great!

Show a pic of the other lights. And maybe the light pattern on the wall.
If it is a projector low beam, you can turn the blocking plate over to change from rhd to lhd. Just cook off the glass lens and strip the lens off the projector. You will see the plate. Either flip it over or remake it in opposite hand.
Sweet, cheers man, tried clickin on his profile but didnt see it, unfortunately i only really have mobile access for now