Guess.. - now with Dynosheet and Timeslip


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With last nights temperatures hovering around 0 degrees, i'm sure JSTYLE would have gone quicker, more like a 12 flat or something!!! :wink:
it was one of the coldest nights i have ever been at calder park.

i got there real early.. had 4 runs.. everyone one of those runs i popped my cooler piping off. i had recently taken it off that day to repaint it so i assume that it was still pretty slippery and wasnt bedded in.

i ran afew 12.5 at very low mph with the piping popping off around 100metres before the end of the 1/4.

the quickest run of the night saw

12.5 @ 98mph with a 1.808 60'

If the piping didnt pop off on that run im sure it would of been a very low if not flat 12, judging by the trap speed of when i crossed the quarter!!!!

but yer i wont be out now til another month i dont think due to the fact that im going to get the chip retuned for the 560cc injectors and get it redyno'd and hopefully pull around the 200kw mark.

AUSVR4 said:
sucked in dre! i was closer! :lol:
Badluck with the piping Jon. didnt get a new PB but still a very decent effort!

yer gauging by the low mph that it rolled over the line with it would of run a low 12 easily.. i hate cooler pipings!!!

its being fixed tho.. and ill be out in about 3 weeks or so.
