backing plate behind crank pulley rubbing on the belt? Check for damage to the timing belt with upper timing case cover off. Check tensions on accessory belts and make sure nothing is too tight. Nothing I've heard before though...
Yea mate, i tested it today, its a leak on the intake manifold or injector seal, couldn't narrow it down as i kept spraying it kind of on both parts. Taking it in Monday to my good mechanics as im still not 100% happy with the car (apart form the noise that is haha)brisvr4 said:Easy to test, spray some start ya bastard around the intake manifold whilst idling and see if the idle changes.
There is two types of tension pulleys. One is smaller and fits rvr and late evos, the bigger one is what I got and made a nice cut on plastic cover and then I heated it up and pushed it out to accommodate bigger pulley.penngwyne said:Is the rattle still there?
I have had 2 causes of rattle noises, (no make that 3)
First one I had the B belt tensioner pulley on back to front causing the B belt to touch the crank angle sensing plate. (should have looked close at the pictures the flange goes to the front)
This was very noisy and immediately noticable by passers by and mechanics,
Second one rattle at idle which smoothed out around 4000 rpm then rattled like buggery as it was coming down again, Hydraulic tensioner was on the way out. (Who's a lucky boy then)
This one gradually got louder and in the end it was sounding a bit like a diesel
Last one was after changing the tensioner the tension pulley touched the timing cover.(I'm hoping it's because the AM pulley is wider than the OEM one which I have on order)