Where to start...
First off your grammar and spelling are atrocious, please spend a few more minutes thinking about your posts before hitting submit. Ideally this isn't just for my benefit but for everyone who reads your posts as quite frankly, English spelt and punctuated correctly is a lot easier to read that abbreviated "txt" English.
Secondly, Well done for spending money where it counts - Suspension and good tyres. Those who are faster through corners will usually beat those with more power. If you could elaborate on your LSD setup (Front or Rear? Where did you get it from? What brand)... I think a lot of forum members would be interested.
Thirdly, Please don't throw idle threats around like "u ****** smart *****". First off, we've all been there before and don't really need it or want it again, secondly we're trying to give you constructive criticism so you can become a more productive member of this club/community. Believe it or not I used to be like you except minus the spelling part. Dre and a few others can attest to this (And you guys are welcome to say so).
And Finally, 18's with low profiles will handle reasonably well as the compounds your tyres are made of are generally sticker to make up for it. A proper set of 55 profile sidewalls however will give correct flex for the suspension geometry of the car and given a good set (such as semi's or potenza s-03 or something similar for road tyres) will out handle your 18's and out grip them simply because the vr4 was made with 15's in mind. Therefore balance/chassis/etc is all set up for them. Mind you, I've seen a -LOT- of good results from 17's. But if you choose to run 18's nobody will blame you, just seriously if you come to a track day with us, bring a set of 15's as well and I'll help you change them so you can run back to back laps and find out what i'm on about.
Oh and I forgot to mention, your last post is totally unacceptable. Please don't make more posts in that general manner or I will direct the mod team to take action. This is not an idle threat, read my title