I think you need to tell us what you have replaced and what you haven't....
I can almost guarantee that your issue is something that someone has already told you to replace.
If you
haven't replaced your AFM or ECU already then you should have!
ECU has been to Melbourne twice for testing.
First time ECU was tested mech thought wiggling the connectors on the ecu was causing a problem so he tensioned and cleaned up the socket
They buzzed out the wiring and could not find anything wrong
Second time the ECU was tested plugging it in made no difference (still dead) no matter what wriggling was done
I got a crank sensor and they fitted it for me whoopee it ran beautifully
It died again
The battery was failing, cranking voltage was dropping to 8 volts, so I replaced that (that didn't help)
I tested the output from the cam sensor. No pulses, must be it? Beauty!
Replaced cam sensor and it was OK again and I could see the voltage variation at the sensor output when it was running.
After the last (short) time I took heat shrink off a couple of wires to the cam sensor socket to find perfectly good joiners under them. Re-wrapped the loom and am still waiting for it to die again.
Trouble is it's running perfectly ATM.
My point is if I just replace everything how will I know I have fixed it??
I may replace all to find I still have a problem!
That's the expensive way to do it and I'm not ready to give up yet.
I haven't even been able to replicate the problem by unplugging bits yet, but I probably haven't found all of the plugs !!